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公告 公告: 鲜花都有时限的哦,如果你长期不登陆,你的鲜花会逐渐枯萎的! david 2021-1-30    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 【每日一句英语】2024-10-11 attach_img david 昨天 21:25 034 david 昨天 21:25
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 【每日一句英语】2024-10-10 attach_img david 前天 23:20 063 david 前天 23:20
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 why girls can attract boys 江南秀 2012-2-23 616206 kenncl 2022-2-12 14:38
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Welcome Post (must read)  ...2 slowpoke 2005-10-8 2544218 Classmate_Wang 2014-3-9 00:12
sand and cloud(a honeymoon trip) 0valentine0 2019-12-27 37734 Jennea 2023-7-26 15:25
What's up? what does that mean? 新人帖 okxxl 2023-4-30 0907 okxxl 2023-4-30 13:04
[原创]we live for what?  ...2 海伦 2006-3-10 2622001 lequsshow 2022-8-23 09:01
How do you spend your spare time ? 新人帖 Olivia2006 2014-3-13 115126 魏半山 2022-7-17 17:06
for modern university students 0valentine0 2019-12-27 17244 hotdog101 2022-4-18 18:11
How I succeeded in marrying a successful man sunyuanslecc 2019-8-20 57761 hotdog101 2022-4-18 18:08
when i first go to english concer  ...2 cr432202 2006-10-13 2138700 baigubit 2022-3-14 10:18
a new happy begin 新人帖 0valentine0 2019-12-19 17364 kenncl 2022-2-12 14:39
An original method to deal with dirty dogs sunyuanslecc 2019-8-21 17321 kenncl 2022-2-12 14:38
a little thought 0valentine0 2020-1-3 57868 wzwjs 2021-11-11 16:33
diary 0valentine0 2019-12-20 07668 0valentine0 2019-12-20 22:09
Thank you, knowledge and wisdom sunyuanslecc 2019-8-19 05556 sunyuanslecc 2019-8-19 15:59
I Really Don't Like Sycophantic People sunyuanslecc 2019-8-17 05254 sunyuanslecc 2019-8-17 15:05
What is real lucky woman 新人帖 sunyuanslecc 2019-8-16 01655 sunyuanslecc 2019-8-16 16:15
My grandpa tataoo 2007-8-31 38463 miao77 2017-12-8 23:21
word study: to pan out heatlevel zykenglish 2009-11-9 19598 四叶草0702 2015-8-21 13:59
[原创]Some interesting observations ccfeng 2006-6-13 213988 KK 2015-7-12 04:51
Introduce my family zoe 2006-6-27 1233310 本站网友 2015-1-30 10:22
A beautiful English teacher heatlevel Perfecy 2011-1-26 137778 dreameryang 2014-11-28 09:25
What's your life goal? heatlevel  ...2 芥末膏 2007-6-11 3821010 dreameryang 2014-11-28 09:20
How do you think of the housing price? heatlevel rainzp 2013-3-26 63699 alexmolex 2014-9-4 19:28
【Free Talk】 Sharing your mood everyday.... heatlevel  ...23456..29 shunitang 2008-10-6 56188963 ElliotKnightray 2014-6-26 22:40
Hello, guys, I am back ! heatlevel puppy 2013-1-6 13542 Cactus 2014-2-8 21:32
FEAR heatlevel 寧寧 2012-2-23 44235 寧寧 2013-10-19 17:28
new love after marriage heatlevel rainzp 2013-1-31 23246 林小懿 2013-5-23 21:30
love heatlevel leec1120 2008-12-7 167686 rainzp 2013-1-26 19:15
Handwritten Letter or Email? (Original) heatlevel puppy 2013-1-6 13766 puppy 2013-1-6 23:02
discussion heatlevel 江南秀 2012-2-25 34342 sean.lee 2012-12-16 20:58
Moment of silence heatlevel Perfecy 2012-4-18 13418 平平home 2012-11-13 21:20
How long haven’t you written a letter when involved in the E-era? heatlevel shunitang 2009-11-4 86408 平平home 2012-11-13 21:13
Friends got together here heatlevel Perfecy 2012-10-2 13126 alyang 2012-10-28 14:21
Customer is God heatlevel Perfecy 2012-10-14 04039 Perfecy 2012-10-14 19:55
discussion:the way to improve speaking level. digest heatlevel 江南秀 2012-2-25 45480 Happy.718 2012-10-7 08:24
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