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翻译练习 今日: 9 |主题: 7292|排名: 74 

版主: tough2012
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公告 公告: 鲜花都有时限的哦,如果你长期不登陆,你的鲜花会逐渐枯萎的! david 2021-1-30    
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【每日一句英语】2025-02-10 attach_img
david 昨天 22:27 015 david 昨天 22:27
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【每日一句英语】2025-02-09 attach_img
david 前天 23:14 140 linewuniverse 昨天 12:39
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【公告】教你如何用深色模式浏览我们网站 attach_img
david 2025-1-25 078 david 2025-1-25 14:41
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[中译英] 英语900句翻译练习目录帖 digest  ...2
rowena 2007-4-25 2738696 正行天下qiao 2014-10-5 20:08
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤ We all thought love was very deep
sunny214 2013-6-14 1843 ballshao 2025-1-25 09:15
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Life will knock us down
sunny214 2014-5-22 3875 npnp001 2025-1-3 19:45
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Be true to who you are
sunny214 2013-4-18 21634 p791018 2025-1-3 00:51
[中译英] [中译英]一言为定
lilianshi 2014-4-16 101444 ballshao 2024-12-12 10:39
[中译英] 英语900句翻译练习(61-70句) heatlevel  ...2345
david 2007-4-20 9127207 fionalyn 2024-11-28 18:29
[中译英] 英语900句翻译练习(41-50句) heatlevel  ...23456..7
david 2007-4-20 13139074 fionalyn 2024-11-27 14:47
tough2012 2013-12-5 71329 fionalyn 2024-11-26 18:26
[中译英] 英语900句翻译练习(1-10句) heatlevel  ...23456..15
david 2007-4-19 28791704 fionalyn 2024-11-26 18:23
tough2012 2013-12-5 71186 fionalyn 2024-11-26 18:13
tough2012 2013-7-24 11184 Margaret 2024-10-28 10:20
tough2012 2013-8-14 51030 liulus 2024-10-8 10:02
[中译英] 英语900句翻译练习(51-60句) heatlevel  ...2345
david 2007-4-20 9630222 Mirror 2024-4-19 13:36
[中译英] 这个句子怎么翻译? 新人帖
wwyyahhb 2016-10-18 42238 niuniu1024 2024-4-2 23:04
[中译英] 两情若在久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮 heatlevel
卢晓佳 2010-12-23 152606 niuniu1024 2024-4-2 23:02
[中译英] 每天翻译练习---------31 attach_img
katy 2009-11-18 21401 baixtdboy 2024-2-4 17:03
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Life is sad
sunny214 2014-4-16 141255 饼饼 2024-1-22 17:59
【英译中】Ice cream disagrees with me .
tough2012 2013-7-8 41141 饼饼 2024-1-5 00:23
[英译中] I'm learning to cook, as a joke.
tough2012 2014-3-19 131672 饼饼 2024-1-3 22:14
[中译英] 你穿多大号的鞋?
katy 2010-2-3 42128 栖海民宿 2023-10-13 08:53
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Live for the moments, not for the memories
sunny214 2014-6-17 41306 ynkj123 2023-6-21 10:26
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤tomorrow you can have a good memory heatlevel
sunny214 2013-12-18 51014 ynkj123 2023-6-21 10:21
tough2012 2013-10-12 131291 TerminalOstrich 2023-6-5 20:12
[中译英] [每日译一译]❤ 不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择
sunny214 2013-5-8 61338 TerminalOstrich 2023-6-5 20:11
Don't buy now,--you'd do better to wait for the sales.
xjralph 2013-3-4 1974 baigubit 2023-6-1 09:48
[中译英] 向着狗队扑过来
陈莲 2012-3-26 1921 geshly 2023-5-29 06:48
[英译中] 求助:一句话,译不明白,关于电脑软件专业方面的,请帮忙。 新人帖
redalarm11 2023-5-17 0226 redalarm11 2023-5-17 08:11
[中译英] “见好就收”怎么用英语表达?
okxxl 2023-5-1 0328 okxxl 2023-5-1 23:14
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself attach_img
sunny214 2013-3-7 71357 okxxl 2023-4-25 15:09
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Every day may not be good
sunny214 2014-3-24 161713 1494166796 2023-4-8 16:02
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤Experience is a hard teacher. attach_img
sunny214 2013-3-7 1992 Cynthia-Lu 2023-3-27 10:45
【英译中】She kept her dignity dispite the booing.
tough2012 2013-7-9 3851 okxxl 2023-2-11 18:17
[中译英] [每日译一译]❤在时间的长河里,波澜不惊
sunny214 2013-12-24 24190 okxxl 2023-2-2 11:14
[英译中] [每日译一译]❤A forbear actually bears a force
sunny214 2013-8-27 31183 okxxl 2023-1-23 11:55
【英译中】Non but the brave deserves the fair.
tough2012 2013-12-5 41029 okxxl 2023-1-23 11:36
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