Inferno事件的阴影挥之不去, 终于成为餐桌上公开的话题。众目睽睽之下,Steve被女友要求讲述录像里的情节。尴尬万分,他却也能说得头头是道…
homework Ok,ok, you know what makes and erotic film any different from poem? A plot you can't summarize diagrams. For instance what film is erotic? Well, I found the piano very erotic. Oh,come on ,the piano? All men hate that film. I like it. * is naked for most of it. She was newed in one scene. Depends on what you watched. Good,good,the thing is you just assume without even watching . Is the lesbian Spanking Firlo is a proper grown up film or be with some adult content . No,I want to say the thing is you are seen what I don't watch it. I love you. Perfect. How? Tellifer went here and reasonable amount of detail.The story is lesbian's Spanking firlo. Come on. Tellifer's moving .Tellifer've 15 spanking lesbians. You know I have never understood the manner of session with lesbianism.Hold area of sex with nothing firm to do. Just answer my * question. I think we like to imagine they can get there and confirm them. Exactly. I'm surprise someone like you think the gave poeple could be so easily diverted form their sexuality? Conversion can happen because you can You think so. Sure,it's a matter of meeting the right person, Well,that's rather unusual of you. In frats, it's just a matter of sitting next to the right person,you know. Well,it's very flattering. You agree with me in that. Why not, I don't know I agree with you exactly,but I think you are very kind. Really? Any way,I think Steve gonna to tell us a story. And that's turned embarrassed. Ok,I'm lesbian spank in Firlo opens with five lesbian film makers. A,Collective,you might say,we can have a competion to see who can make the best lesbian film. Film makers. Yeah,independent film makers. Meaning. But meaning that not the kind of goals who want to deal with the studio bosses, the focus groups or that industry she moves in. Meaning that they've got cameras in their bedrooms. So media hold for the house studio system. That clever. Yes. So during *sthe film ,they are meeting out to see each other's film and say who did the best one. And I'm guessing we see all the films. Exactly.We see each film within a film as the tension mouth. Do those film have plot too? Well,we know that there is more sort of mood pieces. Expression *. The top of their voices. Yes.Thank you,Jeff ,can't you stop help meaning now? So,basically,they watch the films they pick * that's the movie.Vigor. And what's it when we get?Isn't she presented with the trifle or something. You will,yeah,yeah,she gets a thoughts of *,yeah.