Media outlets in the US are reporting that Google's new search feature powered by artificial intelligence is responding to some questions with absurd answers.
The tech giant rolled out AI Overview in the US earlier this month. The service is able to handle sentence-based questions.
本月早些时候,这家科技巨头在美国推出了AI Overview(AI概览)。该服务能够处理基于句子的问题。
But The New York Times says when the system was asked how to prevent cheese from sliding off pizza, it recommended adding non-toxic glue to the sauce.
Other media outlets say a user asked if gasoline could be used to cook spaghetti faster, and the system said, no, but gasoline could be used to make spaghetti spicy.
其他媒体称,一名用户询问用汽油煮意大利面是否更快,系统回答说,不, 但汽油可以让意大利面变得更辣。
Google officials say these are examples of uncommon queries. They say they appreciate the feedback and they're using it to make broader improvements to their systems.