






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2023-9-19 04:30| 查看数: 98| 评论数: 0|

1961年4月12日,一阵火焰升腾而起,伴随着发动机巨大的轰鸣声,苏联宇航员尤里·加加林(Yuri Gagarin)乘坐“东方一号”载人飞船,进入太空。加加林也因此成为世界第一位宇航员。

该次任务使用的1号发射台,日后被亲切地称为“加加林启航处”,而发射台所在的哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔航天中心(Baikonur cosmodrome)也成为人类进入太空探索旅行的出发地。

拜科努尔航天中心 图源:央视新闻




丝绸之路展 图源:新华社


The main line of the ancient Silk Road in Kazakhstan lay across the country’s south. From the border with China, trade caravans moved through the cities of Sayram, Yassy, Otrar, Taraz and further to Central Asia, Persia, to the Caucasus and from there to Europe.


Kazakhstan and China established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level in 1992, and relations between the two countries have been developing well, with thriving cooperation in various fields. Since the 21st century, China and Kazakhstan have entered a new stage of development. In 2011, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership, and cooperation between the two countries in culture, economy and trade has achieved more fruitful outcomes than ever before.

纳扎尔巴耶夫大学 图源:新华社


Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed in 2013 the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt in Kazakhstan, which, combined with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, eventually became the Belt and Road Initiative. Since then, Kazakhstan has developed a close and strategic connection with the initiative.




In terms of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, bilateral trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased nearly 70 times, from $368 million to $25.25 billion in less than 30 years from 1992 to 2021.

阿斯塔纳风光 图源:新华社


In recent years, Kazakhstan’s new economic policy of “Bright Road” has successfully synergized with China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which has played a positive role in steadily promoting cooperation between the two countries in terms of domestic energy and investment, strengthening the communication of information and coordination of policies, and facilitating the landing of more projects with strong competitiveness and high value-addedness.

哈萨克斯坦工人正在检查新能源太阳能发电厂设施 图源:新华社


The Zhanatas wind farm is one of the first energy projects under China-Kazakhstan cooperation. Through the Belt and Road Initiative and Kazakhstan’s “Bright Road” new economic policy, both countries have cooperated on 52 projects so far worth more than $21.2 billion in total.

哈萨克斯坦VISOR公司执行合伙人Almas Chukin说:“札纳塔斯风力发电厂是哈萨克斯坦解决南北能源不平衡和过度依赖煤炭发电问题的重要组成部分。”

“The Zhanatas wind power plant is a big part of Kazakhstan’s energy solution to the north-south imbalance and overdependence on coal use in power generation,” said Almas Chukin, managing partner of Visor Kazakhstan.


Meanwhile, China and Kazakhstan are cementing bonds people-to-people and in the cultural sphere. Five Confucius Institutes have been founded in Kazakhstan and the Luban Workshop will soon be established too. In China, four universities have set up Kazakhstan research centers and students in two universities can major in the Kazakh language.

哈萨克斯坦孔子学院 图源:中新网


As a Kazakh proverb goes, “Friendship is an inexhaustible wealth.” China and Kazakhstan are expected to move forward hand in hand on the road toward building a community with a shared future for mankind featuring long-lasting friendship, high-level mutual trust and common destiny, and open a new chapter of mutually beneficial cooperation.


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