在我们这儿,常常能看到路标,警告开车的人要小心,别撞上过马路的鹿。我以前还不相信,可昨天差点儿撞上一只。好在我反应快,一个急转弯,躲开了,鹿虽然没撞上,但是车轮定位却出现了问题,开起来总是打偏。这让我想起了一个习惯用语,那就是:out of kilter.
说什么东西out of kilter, 就是指因为其组成部分彼此之间失去平衡,所以运转起来不正常。刚才说我为了躲开鹿,急转弯,结果方向盘打得太急,造成了车轮定位的失调,就可以说the wheels are out of kilter. 让我们听听下面这个人回忆他小时候干过的淘气事。
例句-1:Once my friend managed to get his mom's washing machine to spin around with me standing in it! That was fun until the washer started shaking violently. We got it so out of kilter that his dad had to have it repaired. Did we get in trouble for that!
例句-2:Millions of bees in the U.S. have mysteriously died or disappeared. As a result, crops in 24 states have been severely thrown out of kilter. While scientists continue to search for answers, farmers wonder how long this disorder will last.
说到这里,大家一定想知道,kilter这个字的意思。Kilter的意思就是“良好的状态”。这个字的准确来源无法确定。有人说,Kilter原来是指手里没用的废牌。也有人说,这个字跟砍或是打有关系。因此,out of kilter也可以说成是out of whack. 不论kilter这个词是怎么来的,大家需要记住的就是,out of Kilter,可以用来形容任何机械设备的失调,也可以用于某个系统、过程、机构、预算、或是日程的失常。