





前奏开始就很好听的《Purple Trees》,男声很温柔

发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2023-5-13 23:03| 查看数: 103| 评论数: 0|


Maximillian - Purple Trees

Mixing purple trees我有些分不清紫色的树林With your bright blue eyes和你亮晶晶的蓝眼睛Playing hide and seek在斑驳的灯光下In the city lights和你的眼神玩捉迷藏There's something on my mind, I'm有些事情盘桓在我脑海中Tryna get away from但我尝试逃避 不想提起Getting tipsy微醺之中Light another cigarette我又点燃一根香烟Moving closer你逐渐靠近Then you try my kiss my neck直到在我的脖颈上落下一个吻But I just shrug my shoulders但我只是耸了耸肩'Cause my head's full of monsters因为我现在没办法思考 感觉有一群怪兽在我脑子里跳踢踏舞

Then you get on your knees然后你跪在我面前Put your head on my hands尝试让我抚摸你的头发You want me to smile你想让我笑一笑But I don't understand但我不明白你的想法Look in my eyes你注视着我的眼睛Then you tell me the words告诉了我一句话You say你说

We can just dance“一整晚的时间All night我可以只用来和你跳舞Dance all night直到天光微明We can slow down time我们可以放慢节奏Like that比如一整晚只做一件事”Yeah we can just我想是的 你说的没错Kill the lights我们可以把灯全关掉And close our eyes闭上眼睛And I won't let go我就可以抱着你不放手

Under moonlight在这样静谧的晚上 在月光下Make me think a little less让我放下那些繁杂的思绪吧It's your heartbeat只感受着你的心跳Banging up against my chest在我胸口震颤You pull me in and kiss me你拉着我吻住'Cause you know what I'm missing你怎么总是知道我在怀念什么

Then we laugh at the pain然后一起用我的痛苦开着玩笑'Cause it's all my head因为这些经历依然在影响着我The smile on your face而你脸上的笑容Makes it hard to forget我真的没法忘记You make me你填补了我心上的空缺Complete我不再一人苦苦支撑 摇摇欲坠And I love that you always还有Say我很爱听你说

That就是We can just dance我们可以用一整晚的时间跳舞All night什么也不干 什么也不用想Dance all night只是陪我跳舞We can slow down time我们可以就这样Like that尽情享受纯粹的夜晚Yeah we can just当然我们还可以Kill the lights把灯全关掉And close our eyes闭上眼睛And I won't let go我可以安心窝在你怀里 不放你走

Yeah we can just dance all night我想我很愿意用一整晚的时间 只和你跳舞


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