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Shrewd, Screw, and Shrew: Uncovering the Roots of Words
The English language is full of words that have fascinatinghistories and etymologies. Three words that share a common root are shrewd,screw, and shrew. All of these words come from the Old English word"screawian," which means "to cut." This meaning evolved toinclude the idea of being clever or cunning, as someone who "cuts"through a situation with their intelligence.
The word "shrewd" is used to describe a person who isclever or cunning. Someone who is shrewd is able to cut through a situationwith their intelligence. The word is related to the archaic term"shrew," which is an old-fashioned word for a scolding or naggingwoman. This term is related to the original meaning of shrewd, as a shrewdperson is a person who is able to cut through a situation with theirintelligence and a shrew is a person who uses their sharp words to cut througha situation.
The word "screw" is a type of fastener or tool forturning something, which is essentially cutting into or attaching to somethingelse. The screw is a tool which cuts a thread inside a material. The relationbetween screw and shrewd is that they come from the same root word"screawian" which means "to cut".
In addition to shrewd, screw, and shrew, there are other wordsrelated to the root "screawian" such as "screwdriver,"which is a tool used to turn screws, and "screwball," which is aslang term for a crazy or eccentric person. All of these words share the commonroot of "screawian" which means "to cut" and have evolvedover time to take on different meanings.
Another word with a fascinating etymology is"nagging." The word "nagging" comes from the Old Englishword "nagian" which means "to gnaw" or "to bite."This meaning evolved to include the idea of persistently and annoyinglycomplaining or criticizing, as someone who "gnaws" at a situation orperson with their complaints. The term is considered derogatory and offensive,and nowadays it's better to avoid this kind of behavior and communicate in arespectful and constructive manner.
Another word that has an interesting etymology is"upheaval." The word "upheaval" comes from the Old Englishword "uphebban," which means "to lift up" or "toraise." This meaning evolved to include the idea of a significantdisturbance, a violent or sudden change, or a state of confusion and disorder,as something that "lifts up" or "raises" a situation orstate.
Lastly, "entail" and "inheritance" both comefrom Latin words. "Entail" comes from the Old French word"entailer" which means "to cut" or "to divide."This word evolved over time to take on the meaning of "to limit theinheritance of property to a specific person or group of people, to imposecertain conditions or obligations." The idea behind this meaning is thatwhen something is inherited, it is being "cut" or "divided"from the possessions of the previous owner and passed on to a specific personor group of people. On the other hand, "inheritance" comes from thelate Middle English word "inheritaunce" which is derived from the OldFrench word "heriter" which means "to inherit." The wordrefers to something that is passed down or inherited from one person orgeneration to another, such as property, wealth, or genetic traits.
As we can see, these words have rich and fascinating etymologiesthat can provide insight into the history and evolution of the Englishlanguage. Understanding the roots of words can deepen our appreciation for thelanguage and how it has changed over time.



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