






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-10-17 10:01| 查看数: 14276| 评论数: 11|

你好!我是English Family群管理员,由于QQ群bbs的局限性,容量小,不方便管理,很多成员经常打不开,同时我们本群BBS中的内容不能被其他群看见,浪费资源,为了解决这些局限性,我们新建了一个论坛www.enfamily.cn,同时我们将利用QQ群聊天的即时性,更方便为大家提供学习英语的环境。为了集中管理,我们以后停用QQ群的BBS,所有有关群管理的工作转到论坛中进行,因此,我们希望我们群中的每个成员能到我们论坛中你所在群报到,请各位成员在10月30日以前完成报到。对于始终不肯来报到的成员,我们将不得不将你从群中删除。 请englsih family 2 群的各位成员在此写下你在群中的昵称,以便我们统计。


BlueMask 发表于 2005-10-31 09:20:30
Hello,everyone.Welcome to join us. please our members sign up your names like this: QQ number: 4645967 Nickname in the QQ group:Blue mask Nickname in the forum:Blue mask
Cenger 发表于 2005-11-1 09:49:36
QQ number: 251726789 Nickname in the QQ group:Cenger Nickname in the forum:Cenger
snowwhite 发表于 2005-11-3 23:33:55
I wanna make friends here and make a little progress every day. QQ number: 284698268

Nickname in the QQ group:snowwhite

Nickname in the forum:snowwhite

芥末膏 发表于 2005-11-8 23:06:47
Maybe it's no longer needed to sign up here. But I'll still put them here: QQ number: 122516569 Nickname in the QQ: James Bond Nickname in the forum: 芥末膏
joamitith 发表于 2005-11-9 12:18:34
QQ号码: 18870762

昵称: joamitith


性别: Female

年龄: 20

职业: College student

所在地: In the middle of........................nowhere.



可以参加语聊时间:Don't want to keep you waiting for a terrible network.

其他联系方式:joamitith@hotmail.com 加入目的:Learn more from you guys.

joamitith 发表于 2005-11-9 12:24:23
I have signed everywhere in the family .......[em06]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-9 14:09:48编辑过]
pander 发表于 2005-11-23 21:00:36
sorry,i'm late QQ number: 23079562

Nickname in the QQ group:pander

Nickname in the forum:pander
July 发表于 2005-11-23 21:26:52
hi,everyone,i'm july,i want to make frends with you. QQ number: 435157204

Nickname in the QQ group:July

Nickname in the forum:July

honey 发表于 2005-11-30 09:32:34
QQ号:472560343 论坛昵称:honey 群内昵称:honey
shalala 发表于 2005-11-30 22:20:51
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. QQ号:369417636 坛内昵称:shalala 群内昵称:shalala
delia 发表于 2005-12-28 20:47:37
QQ number: 232419295

Nickname in the QQ group:delia

Nickname in the forum:delia

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