






发布者: scarecrow | 发布时间: 2025-2-4 23:45| 查看数: 72| 评论数: 0|



Hello and happy Christmas! This is 6 Minute English with me, Neil. And joining me today is Sam.

您好,圣诞快乐!这是六分钟英语和我在一起,Neil。今天和我一起的是 Sam。





So, Sam, are you feeling excited about Christmas?



Of course! Time with friends and family, eating lots, partying, presents – and generally indulging – what’s not to like?

答案是肯定的!与朋友和家人共度时光,大吃大喝,聚会,送礼物 —— 通常还有放纵 —— 还有什么不喜欢的呢?


Indulging – allowing yourself to have perhaps too much of something you enjoy. Well, it only happens once a year, Sam. But for those of us who do celebrate Christmas, it comes at a price.

放纵 – 允许自己拥有太多你喜欢的东西。嗯,它每年只发生一次,山姆。但对于我们这些庆祝圣诞节的人来说,这是有代价的。


Yes, well buying all those presents can be expensive.



Not just that, Sam. I mean it comes at a cost to the environment, as we’ll explain shortly. But let’s start off with a quiz question for you to answer. In 2010, a Christmas tree in Belgium was awarded the world record for having the most lights on it – but do you how many? Were there… a) 19,672; b) 94,672, or c) 194,672 What do you think, Sam?

不仅如此,山姆。我的意思是,这是以环境为代价的,我们稍后会解释。但是,让我们从一个测验问题开始供您回答。2010 年,比利时的一棵圣诞树被授予拥有最多灯的世界纪录 —— 但你有多少个吗?在那儿......a) 19,672 人;b) 94,672,或 c) 194,672 山姆,你怎么看?


Well, I don’t think you could fit 194, 673 lights on a Christmas tree, so I’ll say a) 19,672.

嗯,我认为你不可能在圣诞树上放下 194, 673 盏灯,所以我会说 a) 19,672 盏。


OK. Well, we’ll find out how ‘bright’ you are at the end of the programme! Of course, Christmas trees are the ultimate Christmas decoration. It’s part of the Christmas tradition and millions are bought around the world each year. But what impact do Christmas trees - real and artificial - have on the environment?

还行。好吧,我们将在计划结束时发现您有多“聪明”!当然,圣诞树是终极的圣诞装饰品。这是圣诞节传统的一部分,每年在世界各地购买数百万美元。但是,圣诞树 —— 真实的和人造的 —— 对环境有什么影响呢?


Well before we answer that, let’s hear from some of the BBC Learning English team who chose to have a real Christmas tree in their home and find out why…

在我们回答这个问题之前,让我们听听 BBC Learning English 团队的一些人的意见,他们选择在家里放一棵真正的圣诞树,并找出原因......


Well, you've got the smell of it. You've got the look of it. But more importantly, it’s Christmas trees are supposed to be symbolic, aren't they? So the idea of something that stays green all year, so bringing that into your house it, it means something.



I just think a real Christmas tree is more festive and more Christmassy. And it's just the tradition to get a real Christmas tree, that's all.



There’s something more beautiful about the nature, the smell, the feel, the look of the tree and I like it to be sustainable. So, as long as I get my tree from a person that promises to grow two or three in its place, then I'm really, really happy.



Yes, I agree – you can’t beat having a real Christmas tree. And as Phil said, it’s symbolic – it represents something important – and here a Christmas tree is the symbol of Christmas.

是的,我同意 —— 你不能比拥有一棵真正的圣诞树更胜一筹。正如 Phil 所说,它是象征性的 —— 它代表着重要的东西 —— 而这里的圣诞树就是圣诞节的象征。


And as Jiaying mentioned, it’s a tradition – something that’s done regularly and has become the expected thing to do – and I’d agree it makes things more festive – a word to describe the joyful feeling you get when celebrating something like Christmas.

正如 Jiaying 所提到的,这是一种传统 —— 经常做的事情,并已成为人们期待的事情 —— 我同意它让事情变得更加喜庆 —— 这个词用来形容你在庆祝圣诞节这样的节日时获得的快乐感觉。


But of course all these trees are often thrown away, which is wasteful. That's why Roy mentioned his tree being sustainable – which means they can continue to be grown and cut down over a longer period so it’s less harmful to the environment.

但当然,所有这些树木经常被扔掉,这是一种浪费。这就是为什么 Roy 提到他的树是可持续的 —— 这意味着它们可以在更长的时间内继续生长和砍伐,从而减少对环境的危害。


Well, an alternative to a real Christmas tree is a fake or artificial one, which is what Feifei from our team has in her house. What are the reasons why?

好吧,真正的圣诞树的替代品是假的或人造的,这就是我们团队的 Feifei 在她家里的东西。原因是什么?


We have a plastic Christmas tree, which we've had for about nine years. So it's plastic so you can re-use it every year and it's more economical, and we don't have to keep buying new trees.



So Feifei’s fake tree is made of plastic – so that’s not great for recycling – but the good thing is she uses it year after year which makes it economical – which means it doesn’t cost a lot of money, it’s good value.

所以 Feifei 的假树是用塑料做的 —— 所以这不太适合回收 —— 但好消息是她年复一年地使用它,这使得它很经济 —— 这意味着它不需要很多钱,而且物有所值。


Ah, but even Feifei admits it doesn’t have the smell and feel of a real tree. It’s a dilemma isn’t it, Neil?

啊,但即使是 Feifei 也承认它没有真树的气味和感觉。这是一个两难的选择,不是吗,尼尔?


Yes – what’s best for us and what’s best for the environment? The BBC’s Reality Check programme found that real trees take about 12 years to grow and as they do, they absorb carbon from the atmosphere and nitrogen from the soil – so a good thing.

是的 - 什么对我们最好,什么对环境最好?BBC 的 Reality Check 节目发现,真正的树木大约需要 12 年才能生长,而且它们会从大气中吸收碳,从土壤中吸收氮 —— 所以这是一件好事。


But when it’s chopped down it starts to release emissions back into the atmosphere – especially if you have to transport it to your home. And when Christmas is over, if it ends up in landfill, the tree’s carbon footprint will be higher.

但是当它被砍伐时,它开始将排放物释放回大气中 —— 特别是如果您必须将其运送到家中。当圣诞节结束时,如果它最终被填埋,这棵树的碳足迹会更高。


But its carbon footprint will be lowered if it’s recycled or composted – that’s the process of allowing it to decay and then adding it to the ground to improve soil quality. A fake tree on the other hand is usually imported, and can’t usually be recycled but, as Feifei mentioned, it can be re-used. But without any type of Christmas tree, where would we put all those lights I mentioned earlier, Sam? I asked you: In 2010, a Christmas tree in Belgium was awarded the world record for having the most lights on it – but did you know how many? What do you say, Sam?

但是,如果它被回收或堆肥,它的碳足迹就会降低 —— 这是让它腐烂,然后添加到地面以改善土壤质量的过程。另一方面,假树通常是进口的,通常不能回收,但正如 Feifei 所提到的,它可以重复使用。但是,如果没有任何类型的圣诞树,我们该把我之前提到的那些灯放在哪里呢,山姆?我问你:2010 年,比利时的一棵圣诞树被授予拥有最多灯的世界纪录 —— 但你知道有多少个吗?你说呢,山姆?


I think I said 19,672.

我记得我说的是 19,672 人。


Ooo, not very bright I’m afraid! There were in fact 194,672!

噢,恐怕不是很亮!实际上有 194,672 人!


Wow – think of the electricity that must have used!

哇 - 想想一定用过的电!


Indeed. Well let’s enlighten everyone with some of the vocabulary we’ve discussed today.



OK, well we started talking about indulging – that means allowing yourself to have perhaps too much of something you enjoy.

好吧,我们开始谈论放纵 —— 这意味着允许自己拥有太多你喜欢的东西。


When something is symbolic, it represents something important. And the word festive describes the joyful feeling you get when celebrating something like Christmas.



Like the festive jumper you are wearing today, Neil – very jolly! OK, next we mentioned sustainable – which means the ability to do something over a long period of time without harming the environment.

就像你今天穿的节日套头衫一样,Neil – 非常快乐!好的,接下来我们提到了可持续性 —— 这意味着在不损害环境的情况下长期做某事的能力。


Economical describes doing something that doesn’t cost a lot of money, it’s good value.

经济 描述的是做一些不花很多钱,物有所值的事情。


And when something is composted, it is allowed to decay – and it turns in to compost which can be added back into the soil to improve its quality.

当某物被堆肥时,它会腐烂 —— 它会变成堆肥,可以重新添加到土壤中以提高其质量。


Thank you, Sam. And that brings us to the end of 6 Minute English for now. It just leaves us to wish you a very happy Christmas. Goodbye.

谢谢你,Sam。现在,我们来到了六分钟 English 的结尾。我们只是祝您圣诞快乐。再见。






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