





一分钟英语:Lion's Share 最大份额

发布者: scarecrow | 发布时间: 2025-2-4 23:34| 查看数: 25| 评论数: 0|


Welcome to English in a Minute!

Lions are fierce hunters. What the lion wants to eat, the lion eats. Let's hear "lion's share" used in a conversation.

Lion's Share 最大份额

Dan: Wow! We made a lot of money at our charity bake sale.

Anna: I know! We're rich! We're rich! We're rich!

Dan: You do know that the lion's share of the money will go to charity, right? We just keep a few dollars to pay for parking.

Anna: I know. I just want to act rich for a minute.

Dan: You know, real rich people don't do that with their money.

The lion's share is simply the largest part of something. This expression probably comes from the fact that a fierce lion is likely to take the most of whatever it wants.

And that’s English in a Minute.



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