Starbucks is reversing its open-door policy after almost seven years, now requiring that people make a purchase if they want to hang out at its coffee shops or use its restrooms in North America.

The code of conduct warns that violators will be asked to leave, and says the store may call law enforcement, if necessary.
Starbucks spokesperson Jaci Anderson said the new rules are designed to help prioritize paying customers. Anderson said most other retailers already have similar rules. "We want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable in our stores," Anderson said. "By setting clear expectations for behavior and use of our spaces, we can create a better environment for everyone."
Currently, Starbucks stores in China are managed and operated independently, with each store setting its own policies. There is no strict rule against offering free access to the public.
"Starbucks is a consumer venue, and in theory, one needs to make a purchase to enter. However, under normal circumstances, the store will not drive away customers who have not made a purchase if there are vacant seats. Only when the store is fully seated and new customers who wish to consume need seats, we will negotiate with the guests who have not made a purchase. If they make a purchase, they can continue to rest; otherwise, we may have to ask them to give up their seats for customers who wish to consume." a Starbucks staff said.

据悉,布莱恩·尼科尔(Brian Niccol)于2024年9月9日起接任星巴克董事长兼首席执行官一职。上任后,尼科尔提出“重返星巴克”计划,该计划意味着要专注于星巴克一直以来独特的品牌特征,成为一个人们聚集的温馨咖啡馆,“从一些顾客那里听说,我们已经偏离了核心,停止与他们沟通。结果确实是有些人来得更少了。为了欢迎所有客户的回归并恢复增长,我们需要从根本上改变战略。”
编辑:黎霈融 弓玥琪
来源:澎湃新闻 都市现场 星巴克中国官方微博 驱动之家 CBS NEWS |