






发布者: scarecrow | 发布时间: 2025-1-15 22:52| 查看数: 168| 评论数: 0|

As US TikTok users anxiously await the fate of TikTok as the US Supreme Court is set to rule if the platform has to be suspended in the US on January 19, a portion of the users from the US have flooded Xiaohongshu, a social media platform run by a Chinese company, to open accounts and engage with local Chinese users and their fellow US users.

随着美国最高法院定于1月19日裁定TikTok是否必须在美国停止运营,美国TikTok用户焦急地等待着该平台的命运, 而部分美国用户已涌入一家中国公司运营的社交媒体平台小红书, 开设账号并与当地中国用户和其他美国用户互动。

On Monday, a large group of TikTok users based in the US, calling themselves "TikTok refugees," were seen on the Chinese social media platform, which they call "Red Note." Many of them posted videos in which they explained why they are on this platform that has mostly Chinese speaking users.

周一,一群自称“TikTok难民”的美国TikTok用户在小红书这一中国社交媒体平台上现身, 他们将其称为“Red Note”。他们中的许多人发布了视频,解释自己为何来到这个主要面向中文用户的平台。

They said that they moved to "Red Note" as they fear they are not going to be able to access TikTok after January 19, and they are engaging with Chinese netizens, eager to learn how to use the new app and build communities around their interests.

他们表示,他们转战小红书,是因为担心1月19日之后无法再使用TikTok, 他们正在与中国网民互动,渴望学习如何使用这个新应用,并围绕自己的兴趣建立社区。

"The reason there are so many Americans coming over all at once is because TikTok is about to be banned in the US, and US government is claiming that it is because of data private concern as the parent company of TikTok is Chinese," one of the newcomers of US netizens named "WakoGeek" explained on a video she posted on "Red Note."

一位名叫“WakoGeek”的美国新用户在她发布在小红书上的一段视频中解释道:“突然有这么多美国人过来的原因是, TikTok即将在美国被禁, 而美国政府声称这是因为数据安全顾虑,因为TikTok的母公司是中国公司。”

The US Supreme Court held a two-hour discussion on January 10 regarding the future of TikTok in the US, according to an audio livestream on the court's website. On December 6, 2024, a US federal appeals court upheld a law requiring ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, to divest the app in the US by January 19, 2025 or face a ban, Reuters reported.

据美国最高法院网站上的音频直播显示,美国最高法院于1月10日就TikTok在美国的未来举行了两个小时的讨论。据路透社报道,2024年12月6日,美国联邦上诉法院维持了一项法律, 要求TikTok母公司字节跳动在2025年1月19日之前剥离在美国的业务,否则将面临禁令。

Nina from Texas is a newcomer among them. She told the Global Times that many people like her have recently switched to "Red Note" in the wake of recent developments related to TikTok. On "Red Note," Nina posted photos of her collections of books and toys.


"After I opened an account on 'Red Note,' I found it very similar to TikTok and it's one of the few Chinese apps that are available in the US App Store," Nina told the Global Times.

妮娜对《环球时报》说:“我在小红书上开设账号后,发现它非常类似于TikTok, 而且它是美国应用商店中少有的几个中国应用之一。”

In the meantime, a bunch of videos have been released on the platform by existing users offering English-language tutorials on how to navigate the Putonghua-dominated app while overcoming language barriers. Tips include how to activate Chinese-English subtitles and use the app's translation feature to understand Chinese content. Comments of "welcome" were left under the newcomers' posts and tips were given on how to use the app. "If you are interested, you can click on the link in the comments to join a group chat," a Chinese netizen wrote, aiming to provide important information to the newcomers.

与此同时, 平台上已有许多现有用户发布了英文教程视频,教授如何在以普通话为主导的应用中克服语言障碍进行操作。这些技巧包括如何启用中英文字幕,以及如何使用应用的翻译功能来理解中文内容。新用户的帖子下方留下了“欢迎”的评论,还提供了使用该应用的建议。“如果你感兴趣,可以点击评论中的链接加入群聊,”一位中国网民写道, 目的是向新用户提供重要信息。

A Chinese netizen surnamed Liu, who posted some tips on using "Red Notes" for international users, told the Global Times that she had noticed many foreigners had questions about how to use the app. By sharing these tips, she wanted to help them use the platform more effectively and to prevent the spread of content that may be inappropriate or incompatible on the app.

一位姓刘的中国网民在小红书上发布了一些针对国际用户使用小红书的笔记, 她告诉《环球时报》,她注意到许多外国人都不知道如何使用这个应用。通过分享这些技巧, 她想帮助他们更有效地使用该平台,并防止可能在该应用上传播的不适当或不兼容的内容。

"The fundamental principle of communication is openness and inclusiveness. We also hope that they will bring their perspectives on China, giving us the opportunity for fair communication," Liu said.


Marly, a senior student from the University of Virgina, also told the Global Times that she wouldn't mind learning Chinese in order to use the app and studying the language is now on her 2025 to-do list.

弗吉尼亚大学的大四学生马莉也告诉《环球时报》, 她并不介意为了使用这款应用而学习中文,学习中文现在已列入她的2025年待办事项清单。

As of press time, the "Red Note" ranks first among US Social Networking apps in the App Stores. Many of the newcomers are apologizing for not knowing Putonghua and promise they will take "Chinese language lessons."


"I personally would love to interact with Chinese users as well as US users. One thing we hope to see is an in-house option to translate comments," Nina said.


She also noted the shop option in the app, which she hopes will become available for international users in the future.


In March 2024, China's Foreign Ministry said that the proposed TikTok ban puts the US on the opposite side of the principle of fair competition and international economic and trade rules.

2024年3月, 中国外交部表示,拟议中的TikTok禁令使美国站在了公平竞争原则和国际经济贸易规则的对立面。

"If so-called 'national security' reasons can be used to arbitrarily suppress other countries' outstanding companies, then there is no fairness or justice left. When one sees something good from others, the goal should not be to seize it for oneself — this is entirely a robber's logic," the Ministry said. The Ministry stressed that the way the US handles the TikTok issue will make the world see more clearly whether the so-called "rules" and "order" of the US are truly beneficial to the world or only serve the interests of the US itself.

“如果所谓的‘国家安全’理由可以用来任意打压其他国家的杰出公司, 那么就没有公平或正义了可言。当看到别人的好东西时,目标不应该是据为己有——这完全是强盗逻辑,”外交部说道。外交部强调,美国处理TikTok问题的方式将让世界更清楚地看到,美国所谓的“规则”和“秩序”是否真的有利于世界, 还是只服务于美国自身的利益。

According to The New York Times, there is a chance that President-elect Donald Trump will "try to rescue the app," which boasts 170 million users in the US, but the law is scheduled to go into effect the day before his inauguration.

据《纽约时报》报道,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普有机会“试图拯救这款应用”, 该应用在美国拥有1.7亿用户,但相关法律计划在其就职前一天生效。

"We are still hoping for a miracle to happen, and even if the ban doesn't go into effect I would still love to remain on 'Red Note,'" Nina said. "The Chinese people here are so kind and I wouldn't want to part ways with such a lovely community."





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