





口语交际 | You will see

发布者: 风中麦田 | 发布时间: 2025-1-12 00:20| 查看数: 36| 评论数: 0|


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1. I apologize to you.我向你道歉。

2. You listen to me.你听我说。

3. Watch out! Don't play with that thing! 危险!别淘气!

4. Do it yourself.自己的事情自己做。

5. You should finish what you start.你别半途而废。

6. I am ready to throw in the towel.我认输了。

*towel 毛巾 手巾

7. It's your duty.这是你的责任。

8. Be good to others.要善待他人。

9. You can't be too careful.你要再三小心。

10. Make up your mind after thinking over carefully.三思而后行。

11. I am counting on you.我全靠你了。

12. You will see.你终究会明白的。

13. Calm down and think carefully.冷静下来好好想想。

14. That's the most important thing.这是最重要的事情。

15. Don't bite off more than you can chew.人要有自知之明。

*bite 咬 叮

*chew 咀嚼 咬碎

16. Respect yourself!有点自尊心吧!

*respect 尊敬 尊重

17. That's easy for you to say.你说得容易。

18. There is no reason for complaints.你发什么牢骚。

*complaint 抱怨 委屈

19. Don't trust it.不要轻信。

20. Use your head.动动脑子。

21. You asked for it.自作自受。



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