Once true myopia sets in, not wearing glasses will only keep the eyes in a constant state of fatigue. Not only will it not reduce the prescription, but it will also cause the myopia to progress too quickly.
The protrusion of the eyes is not caused by glasses, but rather due to the development of myopia, where the axial length of the eye continues to increase, gradually becoming more prominent.
Many people choose to wear glasses with a prescription of 450 degrees when they actually have 500 degrees of myopia. In fact, undercorrecting myopia with glasses is more likely to lead to a faster increase in myopia compared to fully correcting it.
❶ “近视”用英文怎么说
► myopia /maɪˈəʊpiə/ 近视
myopia 来自拉丁语医学专业术语,现在也被用在英语医学专业术语中。但我们在日常表达中并不常用。
nearsighted /ˌnɪəˈsaɪtɪd/ 近视的
shortsighted /ˌʃɔːtˈsaɪtɪd/ 近视的
I'm extremely nearsighted/shortsighted.
❷ “近视多少度”怎么表达
What's your eyeglasses preion?
What is your eyesight?
How strong are your glasses? /What's the power/ strength of your glasses?
diopter /daɪˈɒptə(r)/ 屈光度
屈光度是眼睛折射光线能力的单位,单位简写是“D.” ,分为正数和负数。
负数:如-4.5 D. 代表近视 450 度;读作:minus four point five diopters