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“当我凝视黑猩猩的眼睛时,看见的是一个正在进行思考与推理的个体回望着我。”珍·古道尔(Jane Goodall)在2017年《国家地理》推出的纪录片《珍》中说道。


"Staring into the eyes of a chimpanzee, I saw a thinking, reasoning personality looking back," said Jane Goodall in the 2017 National Geographic documentary Jane. The film, crafted from more than 100 hours of previously unseen footage, captures the now world-renowned primatologist during her work in the 1960s at Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania.

chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/:黑猩猩



在她为期一周的行程中,于今年4月份度过90岁生日的古道尔和许多中国热爱环保和动物的青少年一起,庆祝她发起的“根与芽”(Roots & Shoots)项目在中国落地30周年。

The English zoologist and world's foremost expert on chimpanzees is now in China! Goodall, who celebrated her 90th birthday this past April, has made the trip to celebrate the 30th anniversary of her Roots & Shoots program in China. The program was first launched by Goodall in 1991 to engage the young generation in the protection of the environment and the ecosystem, before it was brought to China three years later, in 1994.






No more than two hours after Goodall's arrival in Beijing around noon last Saturday, she was in the China Science and Technology Museum collecting stories from young followers from the Roots and Shoots program who had come from all over the country.

One team that won a Persistence Award hails from Qingdao, a coastal city in Shandong province, eastern China. Since their inception under Roots and Shoots, the team — now boasting over a thousand members — has engaged in a wide range of projects, from mapping the region's water resources to protecting the endangered finless porpoise inhabiting the bays of China's Yellow Sea.




Back in 1966, Goodall watched helplessly as a devastating polio epidemic struck the chimpanzees at Tanzania's Gombe Stream National Park, where she had made her world-famous study on what she called "our closest kin".


一只名为麦格雷戈(Mr. McGregor)的黑猩猩由于这场疫情失去了双腿,胳膊也完全无法使用。“我们很快发现可以为黑猩猩接种疫苗。这可能有些亡羊补牢,但如果我们当初没有这么做,疫情或许会持续下去。”古道尔在多年后的采访中回忆道。“但麦格雷戈的情况太严重了,我们只能为他执行安乐死。”


Mr McGregor, one of the chimps Goodall had studied and befriended, lost both legs and was "unable to use even one arm" — to quote the primatologist — due to the epidemic, which was likely to have been transmitted from humans.

"We immediately found out that we could vaccinate the chimps. It's a bit late, but maybe it (the epidemic) would have gone on if we hadn’t (vaccinated them)," said Goodall to her interviewer many years later. "But McGregor had to be shot (due to the seriousness of his condition)."

When prompted by a reporter that some fellow scientists believe that she should have "let nature take its own course", Goodall answered, "Sorry, I don't care what anybody said... I couldn't watch an animal suffering any more than I could watch a human suffering and not help if I could."


今天,古道尔被视为一位学科的开拓者,然而在她1960年初到坦桑尼亚的冈比国家公园的几个月里,古道尔却将自己形容为一只“白色猿猴” (white ape)——一个迫切希望被她的这些长臂亲戚接纳的闯入者。


Widely viewed as a trailblazer today, but back in the initial few months of her stay in Gombe in 1960, Goodall saw herself as “the white ape”, an intruder desperate to be accepted and embraced by her long-armed kin.

The breakthrough came one morning, after Goodall had “tramped up and down three different valleys in search of chimps but had found none” to quote herself. That’s when she spotted an adult male whom she had long known by sight. This time, he didn't run.


这只黑猩猩因下巴上独特的一撮白毛被古道尔命名为“大卫·灰胡子”(David Greybeard)。他是第一只给予古道尔信任的黑猩猩。也正是通过对他的观察,古道尔首次揭示了黑猩猩具有工具制造能力。



David Greybeard was the name Jane gave to the ape with a tuft of distinctive white hair on his chin. The very first individual of his community to have trusted her, David Greybeard led the budding primatologist to her first major discovery about the chimps as tool-makers.

“I watched spellbound as the chimps set off to a termite mound, picked a small leafy twig, and stripped it off its leaves. That was object modification, the crude beginning of tool making,” said Goodall, referring to the fact that the chimps used the sticks to get termites out of their tunneled home.

“At that time, in the early 1960s, it was held by many scientists that only humans had minds and were capable of rational thought. Fortunately, I hadn’t been to university and did not know these things,” recalled Goodall.

也正因如此,古道尔才被当时世界著名人类学家路易斯·利基(Louis Leakey)选中,前往野外研究黑猩猩。利基希望找到一个不被现有理论限制的人,而在古道尔身上,他看到了对知识的渴求、对动物的热爱以及非凡的耐心——这些品质至今仍与她同在。



In fact, that was exactly one of the reasons Goodall was chosen by Louis Leakey, one of the world’s leading anthropologists at the time, to study chimpanzees in the wild. Leakey, who wanted someone with a mind unbiased by existing theories, also found in Goodall a passion for knowledge, a love of animals and monumental patience — the things that are still with her today.

Back in 1960, Goodall’s discovery was met with Leakey sending a telegram to her. “Now we must redefine man, redefine tool, or accept chimpanzees as humans!”


“弗洛具备一切一只母黑猩猩应有的特质——她对子女一往情深,她与他们玩耍,对他们极尽支持。这也是我的母亲对待我的态度——她生前一直不遗余力地支持我。”古道尔说道。她的母亲玛格丽特·迈凡薇·约瑟夫(Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, 1906-2000)是一位作家,一直以笔名瓦妮·莫里斯-古道尔(Vanne Morris-Goodall)发表作品。从古道尔个人的文字来看,她的母亲很显然将写作的天赋遗传给了她。

While Leakey’s goal was to gain a deeper understanding of his Stone-Age ancestors, for Goodall, her involvement with the animals, especially a female chimpanzee she named Flo and her children, “were very important to my own development” to quote Goodall.

“She was all things that a chimp mother should be — affectionate, playful, and supportive. That’s what my mother was — she supported me,” said Goodall, who was accompanied for the Gombe research by her mother Margaret Myfanwe Joseph (1906-2000), who wrote under the name Vanne Morris-Goodall and passed her writer’s genes to her daughter.

1967年3月4日,在与荷兰贵族兼野生动物摄影师雨果·范·劳维克(Hugo van Lawick)喜结连理三年后,古道尔成为了一名母亲。两人的缘分始于1962年,那年9月,《国家地理》委派劳维克前往冈比拍摄记录古道尔的研究工作。


起初古道尔对《国家地理》的这个决定并不十分欢迎,她已经习惯了独处。然而她很快就发现,劳维克除了烟瘾很大以外,还是一个对待工作的完美主义者,是一个与她一样从小就热爱动物的人。在劳维克的镜头下,古道尔展现出活泼调皮的一面, 譬如伸出舌头做个鬼脸。


Goodall herself became a mother on March 4, 1967, having married three years earlier. Her husband Hugo van Lawick, a Dutch nobleman and wildlife photographer, was sent in September 1962 by National Geographic to film Goodall in Gombe.

Initially, Goodall was not particularly enthusiastic about the decision, harboring doubts about the idea of "someone entering my little paradise." She later discovered that her co-worker was a chain smoker and a perfectionist that “drove me nuts”.

After Lawick left Gombe at the end of his work in early 1964, he sent Goodall a telegram. “Would you marry me?” he asked. “Yes,” was Goodall’s answer.

古道尔给他们的儿子起的小名是 “虫虫”(Grub),这显然和她对大自然的热爱是密不可分的。古道尔回忆说,成为母亲后,她才真正理解“当有人靠近幼崽时,母黑猩猩愤怒挥舞手臂发出威胁时的那种情绪”。


Goodall nicknamed her son Grub, out of her love of nature. According to her, only after becoming a mother herself did she understand why “a chimpanzee mother furiously waved her arms and barked out threats to anyone who approached her infant too closely”.

Yet that “anyone” didn’t include Goodall. By the time Flo gave birth to her son Flint in 1964, around the time of Goodall’s marriage, she had long been an unofficial member of the chimpanzee community. Under Lawick’s camera, Goodall played with Flint the toddler, trying to attract his attention with a stuffed toy chimpanzee. In fact, it was a toy chimpanzee given to Goodall by her father that first triggered her interest in the animals.







That childhood interest, kept alive by Goodall, led the young English woman to accept a schoolmate’s invitation to the latter’s family farm in Kenya, where Goodall met Leakey and proved her worth to the anthropologist.

In the 1960s, Goodall’s observation, which challenged human uniqueness, was met with “a violent uproar” to use her words. Some sought to discredit her on the grounds of Goodall being a young woman. “Comely Miss Spends Her Times Eyeing Apes” was the headline carried by one newspaper.

But Goodall’s fame continued to grow. “I was the Geographic cover girl and people said my fame was due to my legs. ... By this time I need to raise money myself, so I made use of it,” said Goodall in the 2017 documentary, which shows her roaming the Gombe reserve in the 1960s wearing her now-iconic Khaki shirts and shorts. The man behind the video camera was Lawick, whose 100 hours of previously unseen Goodall footage was only discovered in National Geographic’s archive in 2014, twelve years after his passing in 2002. (The two divorced in 1974 after being separated for extended periods due to their work commitments but remained close friends until Lawick's passing.)

1977年,古道尔创立了“珍·古道尔研究会”(Jane Goodall Institute, JGI),以推动冈比的研究项目。她同时还在非洲和其他地区推动多个以社区为中心的保护与发展项目,其中就包括旨在激励年轻人的“根与芽”(Roots & Shoots)项目。




In 1977, Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) to support the Gombe research, and to spearhead multiple community-centered conservation and development programs in Africa and elsewhere. Among these programs is Roots and Shoots, which allows young people to take the initiative in environmental protection.

Acutely aware of the social constraints faced by women, Goodall’s research center at Gombe today hosts many woman scientists, who were nearly absent from the field when Goodall began. Goodall also launched projects under JGI to support young African girls by offering them access to reproductive health education and through scholarships to finance their college tuition.

Goodall herself, unable to initially go to college due to financial constraints, gained her PhD at Cambridge in 1966, the eighth person to be allowed to study for a PhD at Cambridge without first having obtained a bachelor’s degree.


Horrified by the natural degradation she saw all around her, Goodall has devoted herself to advocacy since the mid-1980s. Having celebrated her 90th birthday this April, she continues to travel approximately 300 days a year over the past few years.



Back in the 1970s, Goodall experienced “a very dark time” as she witnessed the prolonged brutal conflict between two rivaling groups of chimpanzees who used to belong to one big chimpanzee community that included Flo and her children.

“I’d come to accept that the dark and evil side of human nature was deeply embedded in our genes, inherited from our ancient primate ancestors,” lamented Goodall.

这场冲突被古道尔称为“四年战争” (Four Year War)。战争始于1974年,也就弗洛去世两年后,而弗洛生前是这个社群占有主导地位的雌性成员。

“弗洛是在横渡一条水流清澈的小溪的时候倒下的。她看起来是如此平静, 就好像她的心跳是在一瞬间突然停止的一样。”古道尔回忆道。“弗林特坐在岸边,他不时走近母亲的尸体,似乎在乞求她像平时一样梳理他、安慰他。”

The “Four Year War”, as Goodall calls it, erupted two years after the death of Flo, a dominant female member of her community and the beloved mother of Flint.

“Flo died as she crossed a clear, fast, flowing stream. She looked so peaceful — it was as if her heart had suddenly just stopped beating. Flint sat on the bank of the stream near Flo’s body. From time to time he approached her as though begging her to groom him, to comfort him as she had always done throughout his life,” said Goodall.



Three weeks after Flo died, Flint died too.

“Flint was only, I think it was 4.5 when his little sister was born. That's actually younger than normal. So he was particularly upset at the birth of his sister. And then the reason that he died after the death of his mother was because when his little sister died, his mother accepted him back as an infant. She let him ride on her back again. He tried to suckle, but she didn't have any milk. And she slept with him at night,” said Goodall. “So that was a very unusual situation that I think is why he died at the loss of his mother.”

古道尔在刚果共和国的特希雷岛建立的钦潘加黑猩猩康复中心(Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center) 是非洲最大的黑猩猩康复中心之一。这个康复中心主要收容因非法猎杀而失去家人保护的幼年黑猩猩。在珍·古道尔研究会官网上公开的一段视频中,一只名为旺而达(Wounda)的雌性黑猩猩在被放归野外前,用一个无比温柔和长久拥抱表达了对古道尔的感激。


At the chimpanzee rehabilitation center founded by Goodall in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo, chimpanzees orphaned by the bushmeat trade are nurtured with love and care before being released. In a video on JGI's website, a female chimpanzee named Wounda, who was rescued as a baby and grew up at the center, enveloped Goodall in a gentle hug before heading into the wild.

"The warmth of her embrace is something I shall never forget," said Goodall.





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