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"No pain, no gain" is an old saying in English.“一分耕耘,一分收获”是一句古老的英语谚语。

It means that one has to suffer or work hard in order to succeed or make progress.这意味着一个人必须受苦或努力工作才能成功或取得进步。

The expression is now often used to push people to train harder or exercise more to get good effects.这个表达现在经常被用来促使人们更加努力地训练或锻炼,以获得良好的效果。

But just how much pain do you have to have from weight training?但是,你需要付出多少去进行重量训练呢?

The answer depends on what you are trying to gain, fitness experts say.健身专家说,答案取决于你想获得什么。

For years, some trainers have told people that to get the best results, they need to train "until failure."多年来,一些教练告诉人们,要想获得最好的结果,他们需要训练“直到力竭”。

Training "until failure" means that you do an exercise until you cannot do one more repetition.训练“直到力竭”意味着你进行一项练习,直到你无法再重复一次。

Some recent studies, however, suggest training "until failure" with weights may only help some people.然而,最近的一些研究表明,重量训练“直到力竭”可能只会帮助某些人。

"If somebody wants to increase muscle mass as much as they possibly can, then training to failure is something to consider," said Michael Zourdos of Florida Atlantic University.佛罗里达大西洋大学的迈克尔·祖多斯说:“如果有人想尽可能多地增加肌肉质量,那么训练到力竭就是需要考虑的事情。”

Zourdos co-wrote a review of 55 research papers on the subject in the scientific publication Sports Medicine.祖多斯在科学出版物《运动医学》上与人合写了一篇有关该主题的55篇研究论文的评论。

Zourdos and colleagues found that lifting weights "until failure" may build bigger muscles.祖多斯和同事发现负重训练“直到力竭”可以锻炼出更大的肌肉。

But training in such a way is not needed to increase strength.但这样的训练并不需要增加力量。

He said people who work out hard, but do not push themselves to exhaustion, will still likely make their health and fitness better.他说,那些努力锻炼但不把自己逼到筋疲力尽的人,仍然有可能保持健康的体魄。

"There is a difference between training for health and training for elite performance benefits," he said.他说:“为了健康而训练和为了优异表现而训练是有区别的。”

For the average person simply looking to increase their fitness levels, Zourdos said it is much easier to get results.祖多斯表示,对于那些只是希望提高健康水平的普通人来说,取得结果要容易得多。

He explained people who work out regularly would benefit from an intense session that comes within five to 10 repetitions of failure.他解释说,经常锻炼的人会从密集的锻炼中受益,而这种锻炼只需五到十次力竭。

He also said "failure training" often comes at a cost.他还表示,“力竭训练”往往是有代价的。

People who train until failure might be so tired and in so much pain that they skip their next workout or two.那些训练到力竭的人可能会太累,太痛苦,以至于他们跳过下一两次锻炼。

In rare cases, extremely difficult training can even be harmful.在极少数情况下,极其困难的训练甚至可能是有害的。

One example is the condition called rhabdomyolysis, where damaged muscles begin to break down, possibly causing kidney damage.一个例子是一种称为横纹肌溶解症的疾病,即受损的肌肉开始分解,可能导致肾脏损伤。

James Fisher is a sport science expert and advisor in Southampton, England.詹姆斯·费舍尔是英国南安普顿的体育科学专家和顾问。

He said many people are not interested in the idea of working until complete exhaustion.他说,许多人对锻炼到完全精疲力尽的想法不感兴趣。

"What we're really talking about is how hard you should work when you go to the gym," he said.“我们真正谈论的是当你去健身房时你应该多努力,”他说。

Fisher added that the idea should be understood to mean that people can spend less time in the gym — if they work hard.费舍尔补充说,这个想法应该被理解为,如果人们努力锻炼,他们可以在健身房花更少的时间。

"If you're short on time, then you can push yourself harder, and then you don't need to work out as long," he said.“如果你时间紧迫,那么你可以更加努力地激励自己,这样你就不需要锻炼那么长时间了,”他说。

Fisher explained that to increase strength, it is necessary to push your muscles to a certain level.费舍尔解释说,为了增加力量,有必要将肌肉推动到一定水平。

"If you lift a weight you can easily lift ten times or more, you never really work hard enough," he said.他说:“如果你能轻松地举起十倍甚至更多的重量,那你就永远不够努力。”

"Now, if we increase the weight so that on the ninth and 10th rep, it feels ... hard, that will benefit your muscle..."“现在,如果我们增加重量,这样在第9次和第10次时,感觉很吃力,这将对你的肌肉有益……”

Still, Fisher said that the best workout is "one that people will actually do," regardless of how hard they push themselves.尽管如此,费舍尔说,最好的锻炼是“人们会真正去做的”,不管他们有多努力。

He said that strength training is probably the best single thing people can do for their health, quality of life and longevity.他说,力量训练可能是人们对健康、生活质量和寿命所能做的最有益的事情。

Whatever your fitness goal, Fisher said the idea of failure training can be included into your workout.费舍尔说,无论你的健身目标是什么,力竭训练的想法都可以纳入你的锻炼中。

People should then rest the muscle group they have trained for about two days, he said.他说,人们应该让他们训练过的肌肉群休息两天左右。

For people who have more experience, experts suggest saving the failure training for some of the workouts, or on the last set of exercises in your session.对于经验丰富的人,专家建议将力竭训练保留到一些锻炼中,或在课程的最后一组练习中进行。

"It's not meant to be for every person, every time they work out," Fisher said.费舍尔说:“这并不适合每个人,也不适合每次锻炼。”

"This is a tough way to exercise."“这是一种艰难的锻炼方式。"

I'm John Russell.约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


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