Hangzhou's Hubin Pedestrian Street celebrated International Panda Day on Oct 27 with a stunning display of nearly 300 blue-and-white and black-and-white panda sculptures.10月27日,杭州湖滨步行街以近300件蓝白相间与黑白相间的熊猫雕塑惊艳亮相,庆祝国际熊猫日。
The 1864 Panda Exhibition art installation aimed to raise public awareness about biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The number 1864 represents the population of wild giant pandas, according to China's fourth national panda survey.此次名为“1864熊猫展”的艺术装置旨在提高公众对生物多样性保护和可持续发展的认识。数字1864代表了中国第四次大熊猫调查得出的野生大熊猫种群数量。
Since 2017, the World Wildlife Fund has designated Oct 27 as International Panda Day, encouraging communities worldwide to cherish endangered wildlife and support global biodiversity initiatives.自2017年起,世界自然基金会将10月27日定为国际熊猫日, 鼓励全球各地的社区珍惜濒危野生动物并支持全球生物多样性保护倡议。
The event drew residents and tourists alike, spreading a powerful message of environmental stewardship in Hangzhou.此次活动吸引了杭州当地居民和游客,传递了强烈的环境保护理念。