The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is restarting its attempts to remove fuel debris. A technical glitch stopped the work for nearly six weeks.福岛第一核电站运营商正在重启核残渣试提取工作。由于技术故障,工作中断了近六周。
Reactors 1, 2 and 3 suffered meltdowns after a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011. An estimated 880 tons of fuel debris is still inside.2011年大地震和海啸后,1号、2号和3号反应堆发生熔毁。估计内部仍有880吨核残渣。
The debris is made up of molten fuel and parts of the reactor structure. It has extremely high levels of radiation and removing it is considered the most challenging step of the decommissioning process.核残渣由熔化的核燃料和反应堆周围建筑物混合而成。它具有极高的辐射水平,取出核残渣被认为是福岛第一核电站报废工作的最大难关。
Officials at the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Company said they restarted the test on Monday. They're now trying to retrieve debris from reactor No. 2.核电站运营商东京电力公司的官员表示,他们于10月28日重新启动了测试工作。他们现在正在试图从2号反应堆中取出残渣。
They started their attempt in September but were forced to stop after a week. Images from two of the four cameras on the retrieval device could not be confirmed. The operator says it replaced the cameras and conducted checks.他们最初于九月开始尝试,但一周后被迫停止。提取机械设备上的四个摄像头中有两个被发现没有传回影像。东京电力公司表示,他们更换了摄像头并进行了检查。
TEPCO initially said it would take about two weeks to retrieve the first few grams of debris. It now says the work may be finished earlier.东京电力公司最初表示,将需要大约两周的时间先来取出几克核残渣。现在表示这项工作可能会提前完成。
The tests were originally scheduled to begin in August but were repeatedly pushed back due to technical and human errors.测试原定于8月开始,但由于技术和人为错误而一再推迟。