






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-9-26 02:45| 查看数: 59| 评论数: 0|

The Brazilian sport of footvolley is a popular activity on sunny days along Rio de Janeiro's coast.在阳光明媚的日子里,巴西运动足排球是里约热内卢海岸的一项流行活动。

But, recently, people stopped to watch one especially exceptional player: a three-year-old named Floki.但是,最近,人们驻足观看一位特别出色的球员:三岁的弗洛基。

But the young player is not a child.但这位年轻的球员并不是小孩。

Floki is a dog.弗洛基是一只狗狗。

He is also very good at footvolley.他也非常擅长足排球。

The rules of footvolley are almost the same as beach volleyball.足排球的规则与沙滩排球几乎一样。

However, the game requires a lower net and a soccer ball replaces the volleyball.然而,这项运动需要一个更低一些的球网,并用足球代替排球。

Similar to soccer, the rules bar players from using their hands on the ball.与足球类似,足排球的规则禁止球员用手碰球。

Not a problem for the four-legged Floki.对四条腿的弗洛基来说这不是问题。

He jumps up and hits the ball with his mouth.他跳起来,用嘴击球。

Floki has become popular on social media in Brazil, with hundreds of thousands of followers on services such as Instagram and TikTok.弗洛基在巴西的社交媒体上很受欢迎,在Instagram和TikTok等社交媒体服务平台上拥有数十万粉丝。

Floki's owner, Gustavo Rodrigues, is a footvolley trainer, or coach.弗洛基的主人古斯塔沃·罗德里格斯是一名足球教练员或教练。

Floki entered Rodrigues' life as a puppy and demonstrated his sporty qualities early on.弗洛基还是一只幼犬是就进入罗德里格斯的生活,并很早就展示出了自己的运动素养。

At just 2 months old, he started playing with small balloons.两个月大的时候,他就开始玩小气球。

He would jump in the air to reach them.他会跳到空中去够小气球。

Rodrigues started Floki out on an exercise called "altinha".罗德里格斯开始让弗洛基进行一项名为“altinha”的训练。

It involves a group standing in a circle and passing a soccer ball through the air for as long as possible.它需要一群人站成一圈,在空中传球,传球时间越长越好。

In 2023, Floki started playing the complex, competitive game of footvolley.2023年,弗洛基开始参加复杂的竞争性足排球比赛。

Footvolley players need skills such as agility and timing.足排球运动员需要敏捷和对时机的掌握等技能。

Just two people must cover an entire half court.只有两人也得占据整个半场。

This requires quick and surefooted moves on soft sand under the hot sun.这就需要球员在烈日下,在柔软的沙滩上快速而稳当地移动。

Floki was a natural.弗洛基就是个天才。

A star was born.一位足排球明星诞生了。

Rodrigues, age 26, said about Floki, "He does things that even some professionals don't -- like positioning on the court."26岁的罗德里格斯谈到弗洛基时说:“他能做一些连一些专业人士都做不到的事情——比如在球场上站位。”

Rodrigues added that, during play, Floki always "turns toward the ball to always hit it straight on."罗德里格斯补充说,在比赛中,弗洛基总是“面向球,总是直接击球”。

It is clear this high-energy dog lives for this game.很明显,这只精力充沛的狗狗就是为这项运动而生。

Even when resting on the beach, Floki was paying careful attention to a nearby footvolley competition.即使在海滩上休息时,弗洛基也在仔细关注附近的足排球比赛。

When playing, he makes dog sounds to communicate with Rodrigues.玩耍时,他会吠叫来与罗德里格斯交流。

Floki barks to let his human teammate know he is open for a pass.弗洛基吠叫,让他的人类队友知道他可以传球了。

The dog appears to understand the basic rules of the game.这只狗狗似乎明白这项运动的基本规则。

Sometimes, he surprises the other team with an unexpected drive of the ball over the net.有时,他会出人意料地将球射过球网,让对方球队大吃一惊。

He scores a point and then he jumps into Rodrigues' arms to celebrate.他获得一分,然后跳进罗德里格斯的怀里庆祝。

One of the watchers on a recent Sunday was Luiza Chioli, who had traveled to Rio from Sao Paulo.最近一个周日的观赛者之一是路易莎·基奥利,她从圣保罗来到里约。

She already knew the famous Floki from TikTok.她在TikTok就已经知道出名的弗洛基。

She said she was surprised that the real dog was as good at footvolley as the videos had suggested.她说,她很惊讶这只真狗像视频中展示的那样擅长足排球。

"Seeing social media, we had thought it was just cuts, that they used the best takes," said Chioli, 21.21岁的基奥利说:“看社交媒体上的内容,我们以为这只是剪辑,以为他们发布出来最好的镜头场景。”

"But we saw he played, performed the whole time, did really well.“但我们看到他一直在打球,表现得很出色。真的很酷。”

Proposals for partnerships and business deals with Rodrigues and Floki followed the dog's growing stardom.随着这只狗狗的名气越来越大,人们提出了与罗德里格斯和弗洛基达成合作伙伴关系和商业交易的提议。

The two live in the capital Brasilia.罗德里格斯和弗洛基住在首都巴西利亚。

However, they often travel to Rio and other Brazilian states for games, marketing appearances and social media work.然而,他们经常前往里约和巴西其他州参加比赛、营销露面和社交媒体工作。

I'm Ashely Thompson.阿什莉·汤普森为您播报。


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