Let me take you back to a day in my life, July 2021.
让我带你回到我生命中的某一天, 2021 年 7 月。
I was sitting with my laptop on my lap, slightly sweating, awaiting a call that could change my life.
我正把笔记本电脑放在腿上,微微出汗, 等待着一个可能改变我生活的电话。
You see, a year ago I read a book about a woman who paddled around Australia, beating the men before her to become the fastest ever to do so.
你看,一年前我读过一本书, 讲述的是一位女性 在澳大利亚划船环游的故事, 她击败了之前的男人, 成为有史以来最快的划船者。
I'm sure most people would read that book and think, wow, and forget about the idea, but I cannot get it out of my mind.
我相信大多数人读了那本书会觉得,哇, 然后把这个想法抛在脑后, 但我却无法忘记。
I'm a surf lifesaver and an ex-professional Ironwoman, and I want to beat that record.
我是一名冲浪救生员, 也是一名前职业铁人三项运动员, 我想打破这个纪录。
I want to become the fastest person to paddle around Australia.
But to do so, I'll need to paddle 80 to 100 kilometers a day and cover every meter of coastline in less than ten and a half months.
但是要做到这一点, 我需要每天划 80 到 100 公里, 在不到十个半月的时间内 覆盖每一米的海岸线。
A ski is basically a kayak, but built to withstand wind and swells and everything thrown up by the ocean.
滑艇基本上是一艘皮划艇, 但它是为了承受风浪和 海洋中的各种挑战而设计的。
It's six meters long, just 45 centimeters across at its widest point, and made of carbon fiber, it weighs eight kilograms.
它有六米长, 最宽的地方只有 45 厘米, 由碳纤维制成, 重量为八公斤。
Oh, I'll also need a support catamaran and a jet ski and a skipper and crew crazy enough to come with me for the journey.
哦,我还需要一艘支援双体船, 一艘水上摩托, 以及一个疯狂到愿意陪我一起 踏上这段旅程的船长和船员。
It's going to cost a really significant amount of money too.
And my husband and I have sold our cars, but our sacrifice is just a drop in the ocean of funds needed.
我和我丈夫已经卖掉了我们的汽车, 但我们的牺牲只是所需资金的沧海一粟。
This call today is my opportunity to land a sponsorship deal which will enable me to start the paddle.
今天的这通电话是我获得赞助的机会, 这将使我能够开始划船。
And 15 minutes after the start of that call, I received the life-changing "yes" I've been seeking.
在通话开始的 15 分钟后, 我收到了我一直在寻找的 改变人生的 “是”。
Which gives me six months to plan the journey.
To figure out what direction I'm going to paddle in -- clockwise -- how to stay safe, and how to film the journey.
让我决定划船的方向——顺时针—— 如何保持安全,以及如何拍摄旅程。
But despite the challenges that lay ahead, it finally feels real.
尽管前方有很多挑战, 但这终于变得真实了。
In December, I will set out to cover every meter of rugged, unforgiving coastline of Australia.
在十二月, 我将出发覆盖澳大利亚每一米崎岖、 严酷的海岸线。
Flash forward, February 2022.
时间快进到 2022 年 2 月。
I am 500 kilometers out to sea and facing the crossing of the Great Australian Bight, that untamable stretch of water at the bottom of Australia.
我在距海岸 500 公里的海上, 正对着大澳大利亚湾的过境点, 这是澳大利亚南部那片难以驯服的水域。
If successful, I will be the first person to cross directly across the Bight, as opposed to those prior to me who would hug the coastline.
如果成功,我将成为第一个 直接穿越大澳大利亚湾的人, 而不是像之前的人那样沿着海岸线航行。
But I figure that to break a world record, I need to be prepared to go where no one has before.
但我认为,要打破世界纪录, 我需要做好前所未有的准备。
I had a little scare earlier today, though.
I fell out of my ski and I couldn't get back in.
我从滑艇上掉了下来, 而且没法重新爬上去。
I was 100 kilometers into paddling.
当时我已经划了 100 公里。
For the fifth time, I tried to haul myself up into my ski.
As I did so, I slid into the icy water, the shock of it sending a chill up my spine like I touched an electric fence.
我滑进了冰冷的水中, 那种震惊像触电一样沿着脊柱传遍全身。
Out here it's freezing, and hypothermia is a real risk.
这里非常寒冷, 体温过低是个真正的风险。
I've lost eight kilograms in the last two weeks from seasickness.
My support boat's having trouble slowing down.
They're sailing away from me in the 25-knot wind gusts.
他们正在 25 节的阵风中驶离我。
They're not turning around.
One more time, I try to haul myself up into my ski and fail again, in waters known for killer whales and great white sharks.
我再一次尝试爬上滑艇, 但再次失败, 而这片水域以虎鲸和大白鲨闻名。
I start to sink into a sense of self-pity and feel terribly scared.
But as I do so, I look up at the night sky, and I feel like a dot in the grand scheme of creation.
但就在这时,我抬头看向夜空, 感觉自己在宏大的创造中只是一个小点。
I also have a realization.
Out here, staying still is the worst thing I can do.
在这里,停滞不前 是我能做的最糟糕的事情。
If I can't get into my ski, I need to keep moving forward.
如果我无法爬上滑艇, 我就需要继续前进。
I need to swim.
So slowly but surely, I move my arms as my legs start to follow, and I inch my way towards the support boat.
于是,缓慢而坚定地, 我开始移动我的手臂, 双腿也跟着动了起来, 我一点一点地向支援船靠近。
They're finally coming back to me now.
I forgot to mention, it's nighttime.
They're 50 meters away, and I can hear them calling out, seeing if I'm OK.
他们离我只有 50 米, 我能听见他们在喊,问我是否还好。
By the time I'm pulled aboard, I've been submerged in the Bight for ten minutes.
当我被拉上船时, 我已经被淹没在海湾里十分钟了。
I'm so cold, I can't speak.
The bulging discs in my back are on fire, and it feels like my back is breaking in two.
我背部的椎间盘膨出疼痛难忍, 感觉像要断成两截。
My lips are cracked and bleeding from dehydration.
But the worst thing is, I need to get back in these waters and paddle for 16 hours again tomorrow as I'm just halfway across the Bight.
但最糟糕的是, 明天我得重新回到这些水域, 再划船 16 个小时, 因为我才刚过了大澳大利亚湾的一半。
(Video) I've not really been able to hold any food down in the last two days, due to seasickness,
(视频)由于晕船, 过去两天我几乎不能吃任何东西,
and the only bit of protein I've got in my stomach is about five almonds from this morning so I'm just running off soft-textured carbohydrate.
今天早上我唯一吃的蛋白质 就是大约五颗杏仁, 所以我只能依靠软质碳水化合物支撑。
Had some rice and Nutella and banana just then, so I'm really hoping it stays down.
刚才吃了一些米饭、巧克力酱和香蕉, 希望能消化掉。
I pretty much have nothing in my stomach at the moment.
Yeah, it's really, really tough.
So I'm trying to focus mentally when your focus starts to go with with no fuel in the tank.
所以我在努力集中精神, 尤其是在油箱空了的时候。
I made it across the Bight.
And on the April 23, 2022, it's my birthday, I'm 32 years old, and I'm two months ahead of the world record.
2022 年 4 月 23 日, 这是我的生日, 我 32 岁了, 我比世界纪录提前了两个月。
I saw 25 turtles on my paddle yesterday.
昨天我在划船时看到了 25 只海龟。
But such experiences have become the norm.
I've been surrounded by dolphins in the middle of the ocean, had seals play beside me,
我曾在大海中央被海豚包围, 海豹在我旁边嬉戏,
seen flying fish scoot 50 meters across the water in front of me.
看见飞鱼在我面前滑行了 50 米。
I've seen Indigenous carvings over tens of thousands of years old.
I've also had sharks show a little too much interest in my ski for my liking.
也有鲨鱼对我的滑艇表现出过浓的兴趣, 让我有点不安。
At the moment, I've got a fishing boat supporting me, and since the start of the trip I've had a mix of fishing boat, catamaran and jet ski.
目前,有一艘渔船在支撑着我, 自从旅程开始以来,有时是渔船, 有时是双体船和水上摩托。
I've also got a crew of amazing young men who champion me every day.
我还有一群很棒的年轻人 每天都在鼓励我。
They're excellent listeners, they're feminists, but I'm missing having a female around when I have my period.
他们是优秀的听众, 他们是女权主义者, 但当我来月经时, 我还是很想念有女性在身边。
I'm not quite ready to trouble the guys about menstrual cramps just yet.
我还没有准备好 向这些男生提起经痛的事。
I'm also addicted to lolly snakes, which are known as gummy worms in other parts of the world, I found out recently.
我还沉迷于棒棒蛇, 在世界其他地方被称为软糖虫, 我最近才知道。
It's not my fault I'm addicted to them though.
The skipper of my crew, who looks like Crocodile Dundee in his Akubra hat, fed them to me on day one and now I'm obsessed,
我的船长戴着阿库布拉帽, 看起来像鳄鱼邓迪, 他在第一天就把这些糖果给我吃, 现在我很着迷,
I'm eating around a packet a day.
I do eat other things though.
Cut up wraps, fresh apple, Jatz crackers, they're among my favorites.
切好的卷饼、新鲜的苹果、 Jatz 饼干,它们是我的最爱。
As a dietician, which is my day job, I had the perfect plan for nutrition, and that all went out the window on day one when the craving started.
作为一名营养师,这是我的日常工作, 我制定了完美的营养计划, 但当我在第一天开始渴望这些糖果时, 这一切都作废了。
I'm in Broome in Western Australia.
This is where they say the crocodiles start and continue right across the top of the country.
他们说这里是鳄鱼开始出现的地方, 一直延伸到全国的最顶端。
May 2022.
2022 年 5 月。
Yesterday, my crew saw a crocodile ten meters from my ski, watching, waiting.
昨天,我的船员在离我的滑艇 十米远的地方看到一条鳄鱼, 它正在观看,等待。
They were quick to call me into the boat and pull me aboard.
他们迅速把我叫回船上, 并把我拉了上去。
But this record means I need to paddle every meter of coastline.
但这项记录意味着 我需要划遍每一米的海岸线。
That means today, I had to get back in the water where they saw that crocodile yesterday.
这意味着今天,我必须重新回到 昨天他们看到鳄鱼的水域。
It doesn't help that the water is brown and the hundreds of logs feel like crocodile heads waiting to pounce.
水呈棕色,这并没有帮助, 数百根的的木头 感觉像是等待扑向我的鳄鱼头。
Crocodiles are predators.
They're patient, they'll stalk as long as needed.
There's also hundreds of sea snakes out here that nobody told me about.
Yellow with black markings.
They're thick as pythons, and they coil up at me as I pass.
像蟒蛇一样粗, 当我经过时,它们会盘起来。
At night, I try not to hit them with my paddle.
So in waters known for crocodiles and sea snakes, as I climb down into my ski, I tell my crew to talk to me.
所以在这片以鳄鱼和海蛇闻名的水域, 当我爬进滑艇时, 我会叫我的船员和我说话。
Childhood stories, jokes, riddles.
Just keep talking to distract me from what lies beneath.
就不停地说, 分散我对水下情况的注意力。
When I was an Ironwoman, I thought that vulnerability was weakness.
当我还是铁人三项选手时, 我认为脆弱是软弱的表现。
Be stoic, I thought.
Game face always at the ready.
But out here, in these waters, no game face will help.
但在这里,在这些水域中, 任何比赛脸都无济于事。
Telling my crew I'm scared enables me to get through the day, and we talk and joke and laugh our way through the most dangerous waters in the world.
告诉我的船员我很害怕, 这能让我度过一天, 然后我们通过谈话、笑话和笑声 一起度过了世界上最危险的水域。
On August 28, 2022, I set foot on the shores of the Gold Coast for the first time in eight months as a world record holder.
2022 年 8 月 28 日, 我在八个月内第一次 踏上了黄金海岸的土地,
I paddled around Australia in 254 days, beating the previous record by over two and a half months.
作为世界纪录保持者。我用了 254 天环绕澳大利亚划行, 比之前的纪录提前了两个半月。
But while crossing the tape was very exciting, it wasn't the most valuable thing I took from this record.
但尽管穿过终点带非常激动, 这并不是我从这项纪录中 获得的最有价值的东西。
You see, remember that time I told you about in the middle of the Bight when I looked up at the night sky?
你看,还记得我告诉你 在大澳大利亚湾中间 抬头看夜空的那段时间吗?
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
And in that moment, I had another realization.
Instead of feeling scared, I felt lucky.
Instead of that sense of self-pity, I felt grateful.
Grateful and lucky to experience a perspective seen by so few humans ever before.
感恩和幸运能够体验到 很少有人能见到的视角。
And that gratitude carried me 12,700 kilometers around the country.
这种感激之情 伴随着我走过了 12,700 公里, 环绕整个国家。
Mother Nature taught me resilience.
To keep pushing as a storm is only ever fleeting.
She taught me to step back and look around, as beauty can be found in the darkest of places.
她教会我退一步,环顾四周, 因为在最黑暗的地方也能发现美丽。
And though the sand and salt has been washed from my body and someone someday will break my world record, I know they will,
尽管沙子和盐已经 从我的身体上被冲洗掉了, 尽管有一天会有人打破 我的世界纪录,我知道他们会,
the memories I have from this paddle will stay with me forever.
And I know that all I ever need to do is take a step back and look around and remember, how lucky am I?
我知道我需要做的 就是退一步,环顾四周, 并记住,我是多么幸运?
How lucky are we to be part of this amazing, crazy, unpredictable journey of life?
我们是多么幸运能成为这个奇妙、疯狂、 不可预测的人生旅程的一部分?
Even if we are just a drop in the ocean.
Thank you.