





AI 的下一个目标?会跳舞的机器人

发布者: qianyuan | 发布时间: 2024-8-20 19:54| 查看数: 178| 评论数: 0|

I have an unusual job.


I teach robots how to dance.


In 2017, I transitioned from dancing on stages with humans to dancing with robots.

2017 年, 我从与人类在舞台上共舞过渡到 与机器人共舞。

Big robots, small robots, single-arms and roving robots.

大型机器人、小型机器人、 单臂和巡回机器人,

Robots that fly, vacuuming robots.

会飞的机器人, 吸尘机器人,

A lot of robots that look like humans.


And a whole bunch that don't.


I'm pretty sure I've choreographed and danced with more different types of robots than anyone on Earth.

我敢肯定,我编舞和 跳舞时合作过的不同类型的机器人 比地球上任何人都多。

Why do I do this?


Because robots move and choreographers understand how movement affects us.

因为机器人会移动, 编舞家知道运动如何影响我们。

If a robot slides politely out of a doorway to let you pass, might make you feel seen and acknowledged.

如果机器人礼貌地从门口滑开让你通过, 可能会让你感到被看见和认可。

If a robot marches quickly towards you and avoids you at the last second, it might cause revulsion and fear.

如果机器人快速走向你, 只在最后一秒避开你, 那可能会引起厌恶和恐惧。

Robots are beginning to show up in our everyday environments, from sidewalks to offices, backyards to hospitals.

机器人开始出现在我们的日常环境中, 从人行道到办公室,从后院到医院。

And they will be threatening and confusing to us if we do not carefully examine how they move.

他们将对我们构成威胁和困惑, 除非我们仔细研究他们的行动方式。

I'm also a roboticist and an engineer.


I study this connection between robot motion and emotion.


I combine my expertise in robotics and dance in the emerging field of choreo-robotics, the intersection of dance and robotics.

我结合自己在机器人技术 和舞蹈方面的专业知识 用于新兴的编舞机器人领域, 即舞蹈和机器人技术的交汇处。

Right now, we're giving AI a robot body with physical intelligence.

现在,我们正在为人工智能(AI) 提供具有物理智能的机器人身体。

AI technologies like GPT and Gemini are becoming the robot's brains, which means that robots are getting smarter.

AI 技术如 GPT 和 Gemini 正在成为机器人的大脑, 这意味着机器人变得越来越聪明,

Much smarter.


Think of what AI has already done to text and video generation.

想想 AI 能在文本和视频生成方面做的。

We are just scratching the surface on seeing what AI can do in the physical world.

我们对 AI 的了解还仅仅停留在 表面阶段。

We are going to be interacting with these new intelligent robots more and more, interacting with them through movement.

我们将越来越多地 与这些新的智能机器人互动, 通过动作与它们互动。

Roboticists already spend a lot of time thinking about movement, but they think about it in terms of efficiency, optimizing for speed or success.

机器人专家花了很多时间思考这些动作, 但他们思考的角度是效率, 优化速度或成功率。

That's not enough.


We need to teach robots how to dance.


If a robot can dance, make every movement with intention, agility, balance, emotional expression and grace,

如果一个机器人能够跳舞, 每个动作都带有企图、敏捷性、平衡性、 情感表达和优雅风度,

I believe they will also become better caregivers, teachers and companions.

我相信他们就会成为更好的看护者、 老师和同伴。

It will help us build better general-purpose robots that we actually want to live amongst us.

这样我们就能建造更好的通用机器人, 我们希望与之共存的机器人。

If we teach robots to dance, we expand the future of intelligent machines.

如果我们教机器人跳舞, 我们就能拓展智能机器的未来。

Choreographers and engineers have made dances with robots since the 1990s,

自 20 世纪 90 年代以来, 编舞家和工程师一直在训练机器人跳舞,

and these highly scripted performances have captured the public's imagination.

这些高度编排的表演 俘获了公众的想象力。

They've made us feel wonder, made us laugh, made us want to dance along, and sometimes made us never want to meet a robot in real life.

它们让我们感到惊奇, 让我们开心大笑, 让我们想随之起舞, 但有时也让我们永远不想再遇到机器人。

Dancing with robots is no longer just about art or entertainment.


It is about transferring the lessons that one, all movement changes emotions, and two,

它更是关于传授经验教训, 第一,所有动作都会 改变情绪;第二,

contextual movement is critically important and applying those lessons to robots in our everyday lives.


Robotics engineers are beginning to consider emotion and context when designing intelligent machines that interact with us.

机器人工程师开始考虑情感和背景, 尤其在设计与我们互动的智能机器时。

The choices we make now are going to dictate how we live our lives with robots.

我们现在做出的选择 将决定我们如何与机器人共存。

If we get this right, robots will be more welcomed, safe, and delightful.

如果我们做对了, 机器人将更受欢迎、安全且令人愉快。

Humans will be more empowered and comfortable.


Before AI, programmers needed hours to script a simple dance sequence for robot to perform.

在 AI 出现之前,程序员 需要数小时来编写一个简单的 舞蹈序列供机器人表演,

Just like they needed hours to script the robot to open a single door.

就像他们需花数小时 编写机器人打开一扇门的程序。

With AI, you can teach the robot to open just a few specific doors, and it will learn to open all of them, even ones it hasn't seen before.

借助 AI,你可以教机器人 打开几扇特定的门, 然后它就能学会打开所有的门, 即使是以前从未见过的门。

It's also true for dance.


You can teach the robot to dance with a specific person,


and it will learn how to dance and move with many others in many different environments and circumstances.

它就能学习如何 与其他许多人跳舞, 即使是在许多不同的环境里。

This is what I did at Everyday Robots, then a robot AI moonshot at Google.

这就是我在 Everyday Robots 做的工作, 谷歌的一个机器人 AI 探索项目。

But rather than teach one robot, I used AI to teach 15 robots how to move together as a flock.

但不是教一个机器人, 而是用 AI 来教 15 个机器人 如何成群结队地一起移动。

We imagined a world where you could walk down a hallway filled with robots, and they would part to make space for you,

我们设想了一个世界,在那里, 你可以沿着满是机器人的走廊行走, 它们会分散开来为你让路,

like a flock of doves or a crowd of people on a city street.


Where a robot could navigate seamlessly and even beautifully through a busy, chaotic Times Square.

在那里,机器人可以天衣无缝地 甚至优雅地穿行在繁忙、 混乱的纽约时代广场上。

The world we live in is complicated for robots to understand, so it was impossible to script or choreograph interactions like these step by step.

我们生活的世界很复杂, 机器人无法理解, 因此不可能按部就班地逐步编排 这样的互动。

We needed to use the magic of AI to teach the robots how to improvise and react.

我们需要使用 AI 的魔力 来教机器人如何即兴创作和反应。

This was a massive challenge that had never been done before,


and the result is an interactive performance and installation work called Project Starling.

结果就是一个互动表演和装置作品, 名为 Project Starling。

This took us two years of hardcore engineering to complete.


We trained an AI agent on the preferences of a choreographer, me.

我们培训了一名 AI 代理, 是根据编舞家的喜好训练的, 也就是我的喜好。

I chose the most engaging patterns and sequences.


We also taught the robots how to recognize and respond to human gestures.

我们还教会机器人如何识别 和回应人类的示意动作。

While we were at it, we turned the robots into musical instruments.

在那期间, 我们还把机器人变成了乐器。

Each joint on the robot was mapped to a different sound.


When the robot's torso moved, triggered a bass sound.


Its hand opening and closing triggered a bell sound.


The robot's actions created its own unique symphony.


This is what Project Starling looks like.

这就是 Project Starling。

Our AI generated movement and our robot generated music.

我们的 AI 生成舞蹈动作, 机器人生成音乐。



(Music ends)




I wanted it to feel like stepping out of your normal reality and into a waking dream, one that was so far from where we stand today.

我希望你的感觉就像是走出现实, 进入一个清醒的梦境一样。这个梦离我们的现状还很遥远,

Yet, all the same felt like a world where your kids could grow up and feel calm,

然而,你依然感觉那像一个安宁的世界, 你的孩子可以在那里健康成长,

where you could be surrounded by machines and it felt natural and safe.


People were drawn to just wander amongst these robots, you know, some were a bit tentative at first,

人们被吸引到这些机器人中闲逛, 有的起初有点犹豫,

but then they began to engage and explore with curiosity and playfulness.

但慢慢就开始进行互动和探索了, 是带着好奇和好玩的心情的。

People kept coming back.


What we learned about gesture, navigation, human interaction and expression can be applied to robots more generally.

我们学到的关于动作示意、导航、 人的互动和表情, 可以更广泛地应用于机器人。

Think of the following future scenario.


A robot in a senior living facility, waiting in a crowded cafe.

养老院里的机器人, 在拥挤的咖啡馆做服务员。

You sit at your table, you wave over to it, make a sipping gesture, and the robot understands that you would like a glass of water.

你坐在桌边, 向它挥手,并做出啜饮的手势, 机器人就明白你想要一杯水。

And when it drives over to you with its glass of water, it nods at the other people it passes and pauses graciously to let them go by.

当它托着一杯水驶向你时, 它会向遇到的人点头致意, 并友好地停下来让他们先行。

And when it arrives at your table, it places the glass gracefully down.

当它来到你的餐桌时, 它会优雅地将水杯放下。

And when you thank it, it nods in acknowledgment.


Maybe it even performs a small celebratory dance in place.


We can choose to build and program robots that we welcome.

我们可以选择构建 和编程我们喜欢的机器人,

Robots that make us feel understood.


Robots that we want to spend time with.


The promise of robots that will live and work amongst us has existed for a very long time.

机器人将在我们中间 生活和工作的承诺 已经存在了很长时间。

From Karel Capek's 1920 play "Rossum's Universal Robots" to The Jetsons' Rosey the Robot to C-3PO of "Star Wars" and even Terminator,

从卡雷尔·卡佩克 1920 年的 戏剧 《罗森的万能机器人》 到《杰森一家》的机器人罗西, 再到《星球大战》中的 C-3PO, 甚至是《终结者》,

these stories have been deeply impactful in what we imagine and build.

这些故事对我们想象 和构建机器人产生了深远的影响。

Yes, we can have robots that do our chores.


But we can also have robots be our dance partners.


Humans do a range of things, ceramics to diplomacy, singing in choirs to vertical farming.

人类从事各种各样的活动, 从陶艺到外交, 从合唱团到垂直种植。

Imagine a world where robots can do a myriad of things that are functional or creative, and everything in between.

想象一个世界,机器人可以做各种事情, 无论是功能性或创造性的, 或者介于两者之间的。

General-purpose robots are coming, and they will help us to address big demographic challenges like aging populations and massive labor shortages.

通用机器人即将问世, 它们将帮助我们应对重大人口挑战, 如人口老龄化和大规模劳动力短缺等。

And how they move will unlock whether we let them into our homes and welcome them in our workplaces.

他们如何移动将决定 我们是否允许他们进入我们的家中, 是否欢迎他们进入我们的工作场所。

Because we want to feel like we're still marvelously human in this increasingly AI world.

因为我们希望感觉到 自己仍然属于奇妙的人类, 尤其在这个日益人工智能化的世界里。

And we can, because we have the power to choreograph the future we want.

我们能做到的, 因为我们有能力编排我们想要的未来。

Thank you.






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