The Galapagos, a group of islands in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, are coming under increased pressure.加拉帕戈斯群岛——东太平洋的一群岛屿——正面临着越来越大的压力。
Observers say climate change and invasive species threaten wildlife on and around the islands, which are part of the South American country of Ecuador.观察人士表示,气候变化和入侵物种威胁着加拉帕戈斯群岛上及其周围的野生动物,这些岛屿是南美洲国家厄瓜多尔的一部分。
Warming ocean waters affect the food sources of many of the sea animals around the Galapagos.海水变暖影响了加拉帕戈斯群岛周围许多海洋动物的食物来源。
Marine iguanas are one of many species that are unique to the Galapagos.海蜥蜴是加拉帕戈斯群岛独有的众多物种之一。
The reptiles have a harder time finding the food they prefer - red and green algae.爬行动物很难找到自己喜欢的食物——红藻和绿藻。
A recent Associated Press (AP) report said sea turtles struggle to nest in warmer temperatures.美联社(AP)最近的一篇报道称,海龟很难在气温升高的情况下筑巢。
Raising young gets harder as water warms and fewer nutrients are available.随着海水变暖和可用的营养物质减少,养育幼崽变得愈加困难。
"We have something of everything here – that's why people say the Galapagos is so diverse“我们这里什么都有一些——这就是为什么人们说加拉帕戈斯群岛如此多样化
– but we have a small number of each thing," said Natasha Cabezas, a naturalist guide.——但每个物种的数量都很少,”博物学导游娜塔莎·卡贝萨斯说。
The Galapagos Islands are famous for animals that were studied by Charles Darwin in the 1800s.加拉帕戈斯群岛以19世纪查尔斯·达尔文研究过的动物而闻名。
He developed the theory that living things change over large amounts of time.他提出了生物会在很长一段时间内发生变化的理论。
The group of islands is where major ocean currents meet - cool water from the south, warm water from the north, and a cold current from the west.这群岛屿是主要洋流交汇的地方——来自南部的冰冷海水,来自北部的温暖海水,以及来自西部的寒流。
In addition to those, there is El Nino, the periodic and natural Pacific Ocean warming that affects weather worldwide.除此之外,还有厄尔尼诺现象,即影响全球天气的太平洋周期性的自然变暖。
While temperatures depend on the season and other natural climate events, scientists say ocean temperatures have been rising.虽然气温取决于季节和其他自然气候事件,但科学家表示,海洋温度一直在上升。
They blame climate change caused by human activities.他们将其归咎于人类活动造成的气候变化。
Some scientists say the ocean has reached its warmest level since at least the 1800s within the last 10 years.一些科学家表示,在过去10年里,海洋已经达到了至少自19世纪以来的最高温度。
The U.S. space agency NASA says 2023 was the ocean's warmest year on record.美国航天机构NASA表示2023年是有记录以来海洋温度最高的一年。
In the Southern Hemisphere, June is the first month of winter.在南半球,六月是冬季的第一个月。
One of the ocean currents, the Cromwell current, brings sea creatures like whale sharks, hammerheads, and sunfish to the surface.其中一股洋流,克伦威尔洋流,将鲸鲨、双髻鲨和太阳鱼等海洋生物带到了海面上。
It also provides nutrients for penguins, marine iguanas and sea lions in search of food.它还为寻找食物的企鹅、海鬣蜥和海狮提供营养物。
Scientists are studying how the past year's El Nino affected those creatures.科学家们正在研究去年的厄尔尼诺现象如何影响这些生物。
El Nino can bring food shortages for some species like marine iguanas and sea turtles.厄尔尼诺现象可能会使海蜥蜴和海龟等一些物种面临食物短缺。
Scientists observing the species have noted a decrease in their populations during El Nino events.观察这些物种的科学家注意到,厄尔尼诺事件期间,这些物种的种群数量有所减少。
"Marine iguanas were one of the most affected species from El Nino last year and right now they are still recovering," said Galapagos Conservancy Director Jorge Carrion.“海蜥蜴是去年受厄尔尼诺现象影响最严重的物种之一,目前它们仍在恢复中,”加拉帕戈斯保护协会主任豪尔赫·卡里昂说。
As rising ocean temperatures threaten sea life, on land there is a different problem.随着海洋温度的上升威胁到海洋生物,陆地上则出现了不同的问题。
Animals - cats, dogs, pigs, goats and cattle, none of them native - are threatening the unique species of the islands.动物——猫、狗、猪、山羊和牛,没有一种是本地的动物——正在威胁着岛上独特的物种。
After the COVID-19 pandemic, many people left dogs and cats they had been taking care of, Cabezas said.卡贝萨斯说,在冠状病毒病大流行之后,许多人留下了自己一直在照顾的狗和猫。
"If you don't take care of them, they become a problem and now it's a shame to see dogs everywhere.“如果你不照顾它们,它们就会成为一个问题,看到到处都是狗很丢人。
We have a big problem right now I don't know what we're going to do," she said.我们现在遇到了一个大问题,我不知道我们要做什么,”她说。
The non-native animals are a special threat to the giant tortoises of the Galapagos.这些外来动物对加拉帕戈斯群岛的巨型陆龟构成了特殊的威胁。
The tortoises almost disappeared in the 1800s because of hunting.由于狩猎,巨型陆龟在19世纪几乎消失了。
Officials have tried to protect them from humans.官员们试图保护它们免受人类侵害。
It has been illegal to kill a giant tortoise since 1933.自1933年以来,捕杀巨型陆龟一直是非法的。
"In one night, a feral pig can destroy all nesting sites in an area," Carrion said.“一头野猪在一个晚上就可以摧毁一个地区所有的巢址,”卡里昂说。
Park rangers try to visit areas with nesting sites once a day and kill pigs when they find them.公园管理员尽量每天巡视一次巢址,并在发现猪时将其杀死。
But the pigs are difficult to find, Carrion said.但卡里昂说,这些猪很难找到。
Feral cats feed on young marine iguanas, and both pigs and cats compete for food with the tortoises.野猫以年幼的海鬣蜥为食,猪和猫都与巨型陆龟争夺食物。
Plastic is also a widespread problem in the world's oceans.塑料也是世界海洋中一个普遍存在的问题。
One recent study reported microplastics in the bellies of Galapagos penguins.最近的一项研究报告称,加拉帕戈斯企鹅的肚子里有微塑料。
"There are no animals in the Galapagos that do not have microplastics in their food," Carrion said.“在加拉帕戈斯群岛,没有一种动物的食物中不含微塑料,”卡里昂说。