今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语都和「街道」这个字有关。「街道」这个字在英文里就是:Street. Street is spelled s-t-r-e-e-t. Street.
Street 就是城市里的街道。我们首先要介绍给大家的一个俗语就是:Easy street. Easy is spelled e-a-s-y. Easy street.
Easy 就是:容易。那末,easy street 按字面上来看就是:容易街。听众们,你们认识的人当中有没有人住在容易街的? 事实上,你恐怕在任何地图上都找不到容易街这条街名。所谓的 easy street 只是一个常用语,用来形容一个人有足够的钱,生活得很舒适。Easy street 这个说法是在大约九十多年前出现的。最初使用这个说法的是一位美国作家。他在一本小说中描写了一个生意做的很好而变得非常富裕的年轻人。最后,这本书说:"He could walk up and down easy street."
这是说:「他可以在容易街上走来走去。」意思就是,他可以生活的很自如。逐渐地,人们就把这位作家创造的词汇用到日常生活中去了。我们来举个例子看看 easy street 这个习惯用语在日常生活中是怎么用的。
"Joe is an example of what hard work can do. He worked seven days a week for five years to make his restaurant the best in town. Now the money is rolling in and he's living on easy street."
"John has no siblings. So when his parents passed away, he inherited everything from the family -- properties, bank savings, stocks and a big house. He's really living on easy street."
Out on the street 刚好和 easy street 相反,它的意思是:一个人没有工作,难以维持生活。下面这个例句里形容的就是一个时运不佳的人。
"I really wish I could find a way to help my brother Bill. He lost his job over a year ago when the company he worked for went bankrupt and he's been out on the street ever since."
"I work very hard to provide you with a good education. I don't expect you to be a billionaire, but it's up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future."