I steer spacecraft, from the moment they separate from their launch vehicle to when they reach their destination in space.
从航天器与运载工具分离那一刻起, 我就会一直操纵着航天器, 直到它抵达太空中的目的地。
And these destinations -- say Mars for example, or Jupiter -- they are really far away.
这些目的地,例如火星,又或者木星, 它们真的很遥远。
To put my job in context for you: it's like me standing here in Los Angeles and shooting an arrow, and with that arrow,
I hit a target that's the size of a quarter, and that target the size of a quarter is sitting in Times Square, New York.
我要用这支箭射中扎在纽约时代广场上 一个 25 美分硬币大小的靶子。
Now, I have the opportunity to adjust the course of my spacecraft a few times along that trajectory, but in order to do that,
接下来,沿着它的轨迹, 我有几次机会来调整航天器航道;可是,为了做调整,
I need to know where it is.
And tracking a spacecraft as it travels through deep space is fundamentally a problem of measuring time.
其实,跟踪航天器在深空中的飞行, 这本质上是一个时间测量的问题。
You see, I can't just pull out my ruler and measure how far away my spacecraft is.
要知道,我不可能掏出一把尺子, 来丈量航天器离我有多远。
But I can measure how long it takes a signal to get there and back again.
但是,我可以测量的是, 一个信号往返所花费的时间。
And the concept is exactly the same as an echo.
If I stand in front of a mountain and I shout, the longer it takes for me to hear my echo back at me, the further away that mountain is.
如果我面对一座山大喊, 我听到回声所需的时间越长, 那座山就越远。
So we measure that signal time very, very accurately,
那么,我们必须非常非常准确地 测量信号时间,
because getting it wrong by just a tiny fraction of a second might mean the difference between your spacecraft safely and gently landing on the surface of another planet or creating yet another crater on that surface.
It's 1.5 million miles further into largely uncharted territory.
这是飞向更遥远的未知领域的 150 万英里。
So it would be great if we could measure that signal time directly at the spacecraft.
正因如此, 如果我们能在航天器上直接测量该信号时间,就再好不过。
But the miniaturization of atomic clock technology is ...
well, it's difficult.
Not only does the clock technology and all the supporting hardware need to shrink down, but you also need to make it work.
你不仅要将它和支持性的硬件缩小, 还要维持一切正常运转。
Space is an exceptionally harsh environment, and if one piece breaks on this instrument,
太空是一个极其恶劣的环境, 如果这台仪器上有一小块破损,
it's not like we can just send a technician out to replace the piece and continue on our way.
我们不可能派遣技术人员 去更换零件来确保它继续前进。
The journeys that these spacecraft take can last months, years, even decades.
这些航天器的旅程 可能持续数月、数年, 甚至数十年。
And designing and building a precision instrument that can support that is as much an art as it is a science and an engineering.
因此,设计和制造可靠的精密仪器, 既是科学和工程学,也是艺术。
But there is good news: we are making some amazing progress, and we're about to take our very first baby steps into a new age of atomic space clocks.
不过令人欣慰的是, 我们正在不断取得惊人的进展, 我们马上就要向原子钟的新时代迈进重要的一小步。
Soon we will be launching an ion-based atomic clock that is space-suitable.
很快,我们将推出一种 适用于太空的、基于离子的原子钟。
And this clock has the potential to completely flip the way we navigate.
这个时钟可能会完全颠覆 我们的导航方式。
This clock is so stable, it measures time so well, that if I put it right here and I turned it on, and I walked away,
它非常稳定, 可以很好地测量时间:如果我把它放在这里, 开启, 离开,
I would have to come back nine million years later for that clock's measurement to be off by one second.
九百万年后,我才能目睹 它的测量累计出一秒钟的误差。
So what can we do with a clock like this?
Well, instead of doing all of the spacecraft navigation here on the Earth, what if we let the spacecraft navigate themselves?
与其在地球上进行所有的航天器导航, 不如 让航天器自己为自己导航?
Onboard autonomous navigation, or a self-driving spacecraft, if you will,
自载自动导航, 也可以叫自动驾驶航天器,
is one of the top technologies needed if we are going to survive in deep space.
将是我们在深空 求生存的首要技术之一。
When we inevitably send humans to Mars or even further, we need to be navigating that ship in real time,
在我们不可避免地需要 将人类送往火星甚至更远处时, 我们将会需要能实时导航的飞船,
not waiting for directions to come from Earth.
And measuring that time wrong by just a tiny fraction of a second can mean the difference between a mission's life or death,
那时,即便只是几分之一秒的时间测量误差, 都关乎任务的生死成败。
which is bad enough for a robotic mission, but just think about the consequences if there was a human crew on board.
这后果对于机器人任务来说 已经够糟了, 对于载有人类宇航员的后果 更是不堪设想。
But let's assume that we can get our astronauts safely to the surface of their destination.
在此,让我们先假设宇航员能够 平安到达星球表面、 抵达他们的目的地。
Once they're there, I imagine they'd like a way to find their way around.
Well, with this clock technology, we can now build GPS-like navigation systems at other planets and moons.
那么,利用这种时钟技术, 我们就能在其他行星和卫星上构建类似于GPS 的导航系统。
Imagine having GPS on the Moon or Mars.
想象一下在月球或火星上有 GPS:
Can you see an astronaut standing on the surface of Mars with Olympus Mons rising in the background,
你是否能看到一名宇航员 正站在火星表面,奧林匹斯山在背景中缓缓升起,
and she's looking down at her Google Maps Mars Edition to see where she is and to chart a course to get where she needs to go?
而她正低头查看火星版谷歌地图上自己的位置, 并规划路线前往目的地?
Allow me to dream for a moment, and let's talk about something far, far in the future,
when we are sending humans to places much further away than Mars,
我们会将人类送到 比火星遥远得多的地方,
places where waiting for a signal from the Earth in order to navigate is just not realistic.
这些地方是如此之远,以至于等待地球的信号再进行导航 显得不太现实。
Imagine in this scenario that we can have a constellation,
a network of communication satellites scattered throughout deep space broadcasting navigation signals,
and any spacecraft picking up that signal can travel from destination to destination to destination with no direct tie to the Earth at all.
并且,任何收集到这信号的航天器 都可以在不同的目的地之间航行, 而这些目的地与地球没有任何联系。
The ability to accurately measure time in deep space can forever change the way we navigate.
在深空精确测量时间的能力 可以永远改变我们的导航方式。
But it also has the potential to give us some pretty cool science.
You see, that same signal that we use for navigation tells us something about where it came from and the journey that it took as it traveled from antenna to antenna.
事实上,我们用于导航的同一信号 揭示着这样一些信息:这信号来自何处, 以及它在天线之间传播的历程。
And that journey, that gives us data, data to build better models, better models of planetary atmospheres throughout our solar system.