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Jane715的个人空间 https://www.enfamily.cn/?205839 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


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  • 积分: 32
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  • 日志: 12
  • 相册: 4
  • 分享: 6
  • 今天衰啊(来自每日汇报) 回复
  • 困哪 回复
  • My Pledge My Oath II 我的誓言II I can’t stand my poor English! I can’t stand my ten years of wasted time! I can’t stand being looked down upon! I can’t stand being laughed at! I want to improve 回复
  • I havn't been here for a few days, because I am very busy, studying English, moving to my apartment, signing up my daughter's recreation program. 回复
  • 15th August Today I looked at 2 appartments. I was not satisfied with the first one, although it was near Mckee public school which is the first rank elementary school in Ontario. Because it looked a 回复
  • 性别
  • 生日5 月 1 日
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journal 2012-06-11
This morning my daughter told me she wanted to sell juice. Then she took the box sticked with the poster, only one dollar per cup, to the f ...
a small talk 2011-04-21
The day before yesterday when I was waiting for my daughter, suddenly a woman from Pakistan asked me a question that was why I looked so thin. I ...
a small thing about my daughter 2011-04-21
When I was picking up my daughter  this afternoon, her teacher told me that there was something wrong with her tongue, so that sh ...
《犹太智慧枕边书》分享 2011-02-28
前些天看了这本书,觉得很有用,以下只是我挑选出来的精华,与大家共享。   《犹太智慧枕边书》 作者:汪泳 ...
Halloween 2010-11-07
Hollaween is on October 31. It's a day of tricks and treats. People dress as ghosts, witches, monsters, movie stars etc. Children go from door to doo ...
True Feelings-buy a car 2010-09-05
4th of September: I always believe the systems of Toronto are perfect, the people who is honesty even though after I landed. But now I ...


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jszy 2014-5-28 00:44
david 2013-3-23 12:43
Jane715: 好久没来了,给老大打个招呼先哈~~以后得抽空上来看看,没空也得挤出空来啊~~嘿嘿~~
tlsd001 2012-12-11 11:26
tlsd001 2012-12-7 14:00
tlsd001 2012-12-1 12:39
tlsd001 2012-8-9 12:55
feilong6374 2012-5-1 21:44
Jane715: 我这边一切都好,你怎么样,一切都还顺利吗?已经适应澳洲的生活了吗?Wish you everything goes well~ Keep in touch~~
还好,就是感觉英语还是太匮乏,呵呵,我QQ70936374上面有一些照片,keep in touch!
feilong6374 2012-3-14 15:43
Jane715: 灰来灰去的灰龙,好久不见啊~~嘿嘿嘿
tlsd001 2012-2-26 17:50
tlsd001 2012-1-5 15:16
Jane715: thank you for your bonus, and happy new year!
Emilyr688 2011-10-1 02:43
tlsd001 2011-9-1 15:29
Jane715 2011-8-21 10:27
everything is ok!thanks for your caring, i really appreciate that! you know what, i tried to log on your homepage, but i couldn't. anyway, how have you been recently?
淡淡的才好 2011-7-10 19:24
HI,Jane,how have u been?In spite of not knowing each other in our real lives,I still care u for the warm feeling u gave me.Good luck~
9W 2011-5-6 05:56
Jane715: I don't know why I can't reply your message. Anyway, thank you very much. You too.
not at all. have a nice day!
海伦 2011-5-5 23:46

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