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上官飞飞的个人空间 https://www.enfamily.cn/?30492 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


Let’s take a short break for lunch.(来自每日汇报)
2018-12-3 10:27 回复|
We are all in favor of this plan. (来自每日汇报)
2018-12-2 13:40 回复|
We reached London this afternoon.(来自每日汇报)
2018-12-1 14:01 回复|
They covered 120 miles in a single night.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-30 08:37 回复|
He resolved to give up smoking. (来自每日汇报)
2018-11-29 09:13 回复|
When I was young, I’d listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-28 08:20 回复|
I know all about it.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-27 17:35 回复|
Do you think people are a company’s greatest wealth?(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-26 10:10 回复|
vMany people prefer living in the country to living in the town.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-25 20:00 回复|
The bat together with the balls was stolen.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-24 13:27 回复|
They insisted on staying rather than going.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-23 09:24 回复|
You are just putting on a little weight. I believe you’ll get that off easily.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-22 19:33 回复|
Your hand feels cold. (来自每日汇报)
2018-11-21 10:55 回复|
vMany people prefer living in the country to living in the town.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-19 22:37 回复|
The bat together with the balls was stolen.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-18 11:27 回复|
I am told that you dance wonderfully well.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-17 10:39 回复|
vMany people prefer living in the country to living in the town.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-16 18:02 回复|
He will blame you for carelessness.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-15 08:44 回复|
I’m not guessing,I really know.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-14 18:49 回复|
We reached London this afternoon.(来自每日汇报)
2018-11-13 15:48 回复|

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